- Oesophageal mucosal edema and congestion
- Esophageal lesions
- Osteopetrosis
- Notched or narrow duodenum
- Duodenal stenosis
- Duodenal dilatation
- Duodenal height expansion
- Wet itchy sores
- Wet constitution
- Wet beriberi
- Hot and humid
- Hot and humid
- Wet rales
- Apraxia syndrome
- Misuse gait
- Loss of salt
- Anemia after excessive blood loss
- More water loss than sodium loss and high serum sodium concentration
- Dehydration
- Sodium loss coma
- More sodium loss than water loss and low serum sodium concentration
- Insomnia
- Misread
- Hoarse voice
- The sound becomes low
- Glottic dyskinesia
- Damage above the glottis
- Glottic edema
- Short and narrow glottis
- Childish
- Low voice
- Vocal cord atrophy
- Vocal cord paralysis
- Vocal cord aging
- Vocal cord hypertrophy
- Genital trauma
- Genitourinary crisis
- Vital signs change
- Physiological drunk
- Physiological tremor
- Physiological anorexia
- Physiological atrophy
- Physical jaundice
- Physical diarrhea
- Physiological obesity
- Physiological amenorrhea
- Physiological blind spot enlargement
- Biochemical pregnancy
- Too little growth hormone
- Excessive growth hormone secretion
- Slow growth
- Grow too fast
- Ascending aortic root narrowing
- Exudative pleural effusion
- Exudative eczema
- Kidney stones
- Kidney calves become dull
- Kidney shrinkage
- Kidney involvement
- Kidney rupture
- Kidney Yin and Yang Deficiency
- Kidney Yin Deficiency
- Ectopic renal ectopic
- Kidney Yang Deficiency
- Renal vascular malformation
- Renal osteomalacia
- Pathological changes in glomeruli
- Increased glomerular volume
- Juxtaglomerular hyperplasia
- "Three highs" in the glomerulus
- Reduced glomerular filtration rate
- Glomerular basement membrane moth phagocytosis
- Renal tubular reabsorption disorder
- Inflammation of damaged renal tubular cells
- Renal tubular atrophy
- Renal tubular acid dysfunction
- Tubular necrosis
- Fibrous infarction of renal arterioles
- Renal insufficiency
- Extrarenal obstruction
- Kidney damage
- Renal embolism
- Adrenal metastasis
- Acute adrenal insufficiency
- Benign adrenal virilization
- Adrenal cortical hormone deficiency
- Renal ischemia
- Tenderness and tenderness in the renal area
- Renal tenderness
- Renal area throbbing pain
- Renal dull pain
- Prerenal renal insufficiency
- Renal Concentration Dysfunction
- Thin or blocked internal renal artery
- Renal stagnation
- Renal interstitial fibrosis
- Renal interstitial edema
- Impaired renal interstitial
- Postrenal renal failure
- Renal failure
- Renal artery occlusion
- Renal arteriosclerosis
- Hydronephrosis
- Nephrotic edema face
- Excessive renal swell
- Confusion
- Faint
- Sane
- Indifferent
- Neurotic character
- Neurotic depression
- Neurotic response
- Abnormal neuron migration
- Anorexia nervosa
- Neuropathic stomachache
- Neurogenic urinary frequency
- Neurological tinnitus
- Nerve fiber overgrowth
- Neuralgia
- Neurasthenia syndrome
- Nerve bundle injury and rupture
- Nerve fiber injury
- Nerve apraxia
- Nerve injury
- Neuromuscular symptoms
- Neurological symptoms
- Nerve root injury
- Nerve root irritation symptoms
- Nerve root stimulation
- Neural stem rupture
- Dizzy
- Deep sleep
- Deep coma
- Dark yellow or greenish watery stools
- Deep sensory disturbance
- Deep
- Deep nasal congestion
- Deep headache
- Moan
- Body weight
- Body pain
- Body shake sign
- The lower part of the body is shorter than the upper part
- Thin body
- Lean body
- Edema in the lower part of the body
- Physical deformity disorder
- Physical "blessing"
- Stretch out
- Knee extension disorder
- Tongue out
- Outstretched handshake pain
- Cum pain
- Social sensitivity disorder
- Social fear
- Red tongue
- Dark red tongue
- Tongue tremor
- Restricted tongue movement
- Tongue bite
- Syncope caused by glossopharyngeal neuralgia or other visceral diseases
- Tongue fracture
- Tremor of tongue
- Prolonged unhealed ulcers on the tongue
- The tongue is large and grooved
- Yellow tongue coating
- Thick tongue coating
- Dark tongue coating
- Thin tongue coating
- White tongue coating
- Sore tongue
- Hyperplasia of tongue
- Tongue nipples disappear
- Mild vomiting
- Strong tongue
- Tongue tender and thick
- Hairy white spots on both sides of tongue
- Burning sensation in tongue and throat
- Red tongue tip
- Red tip
- Tongue muscle atrophy
- Lingual muscle paralysis
- Red tongue Shaojin without moss
- Swelling and tenderness in the hyoid area
- Abscess of tongue base
- Thick tongue and dry fur
- Short tongue
- Pale tongue
- Pale tongue
- Tongue gum painful miliary to blister
- Black tufts at the back of the tongue
- Shao Yin Deficiency
- Scoliosis in children
- Burning pain
- Heartburn
- Reduced urine output after burns
- Pulse rate after burn
- Thirst after burns
- Nausea and vomiting after burns
- Sticky discharge from the sweet smell of burn wounds
- Light brown secretions from burn wounds
- The burn wound was deliquescence, shedding or insect bite-like change in advance
- Fecal odor discharge from burn wounds
- Light yellow sticky discharge from burn wounds
- Burn wounds pale or charred
- Dark gray or black necrotic spots on burn wounds
- Peripheral limb paralysis
- Upper limb weakness
- Difficulty with upper abduction lift
- Sudden swelling and pain in the upper limbs
- Upper limb edema
- Upper limb numbness
- Upper limb paralysis
- Varicose veins, edema, and bruising in the upper limbs and face
- Pain in upper limbs and shoulders when pulling down or holding heavy objects
- Facial edema
- Eat more
- Increased SM accumulation
- "Tripartism"
- "Three fears" (water sound, light, wind) phenomenon
- Decidual residue
- Crowding of amblyopic eyes
- Swelling of soft tissue
- Soft tissue infection
- Endochondral ossification
- Soft palate movement asymmetry
- Soft palate with scars
- Soft palate pain
- Superficial soft palate ulcer
- Soft birth canal abnormalities
- Soft birth canal laceration
- Fall asleep insomnia
- Fall asleep illusion
- Spheroid arteriolar hyaline degeneration
- Milk stagnation
- Stasis of milk
- Reduced milk secretion
- A deep areola may lump and lumps
- Croupia-hyperprolactinemia
- Hypertrophy of breast tissue
- Breast tenderness
- Breast pain
- Lobular hyperplasia
- Thickening of glands in the outer upper quadrant of the breast
- Mammary glands
- Breast tenderness with menstruation
- Painless single hard mass in the breast
- Mammary calcification
- Hypertrophy of breast
- Mammary dysplasia
- Breast tingling
- Distant metastasis of breast cancer
- Papillary mass
- Papillary cervical erosion
- Bloody or brown serous fluid from nipples
- Nipple-like hyperplasia
- Nipple eczema
- Nipple erosion
- Broken nipples
- Papillary muscle rupture
- Mastitis
- Breast pain
- Lactose intolerance
- Excessive accumulation of lactic acid
- Milky food
- Massive necrosis of breast tissue
- Breast lump
- Breast tenderness
- Premature breast development
- Breast sclerosis
- Smooth and tough spherical mass in the breast
- Huge breasts
- Undeveloped breasts or nipples
- Breast swelling and pain
- Breast and genital atrophy
- Milky urine
- Granulomatous
- Lysosomal enzyme deficiency
- Osteolytic damage
- Easy to get angry
- Easily excited
- Prone to bruising
- Prone to obsessive-compulsive symptoms or suspicions
- Gradually become stupid
- Sunburn
- Day light night heavy itching
- Skin allergies caused by sunlight
- Impaired daily life and abnormal behavior
- Sprain of ligament
- Strained ligament
- Ossification of ligaments
- Ligament rupture
- Pregnancy poisoning
- Melasma of pregnancy
- Painless repeated vaginal bleeding during late pregnancy or at labor
- Small pustules in skin folds during pregnancy
- Hairy during pregnancy
- Persistent abdominal pain or low back pain during pregnancy
- Vaginal bleeding with abdominal pain during pregnancy
- High blood sugar during pregnancy