Kidney Yin Deficiency

Kidney yin deficiency, disease name. Refers to insufficient kidney fluid. Mostly caused by chronic illness, or insufficient endowment, or excessive housing labor, or over-serving warm and dry products. Evidence of sore waist and knees, dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and more dreams, five upsets, hot flashes, night sweats, premature ejaculation, dry throat, red tongue, little moss, and pulse count. Expelling Ziyin and lowering fire. Kidney yin deficiency is a symptom of insufficient kidney yin fluid. It is mostly caused by chronic diseases that damage the kidneys, or lack of endowment, excessive sexual intercourse, or over-serving of warm and dry products. Insufficient nutrients for the central nervous system and urogenital system; usually, Liuwei Dihuang Wan is used for yin deficiency.

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