Kidney calves become dull

In the renal sinus, there are 7 to 8 kidney calyces in the shape of a funnel, and the kidney cavities surround the renal papilla. Two to three small kidneys are combined into one large kidney. Two to three large kidneys converge to form a flat, funnel-shaped renal pelvis. Kidney calamity dullness refers to the dullness of the kidney caliber's flat, funnel-shaped shape before and after due to certain body conditions. The dulling of the caloris is one of the clinical manifestations of nail-patella syndrome, and it is also one of the complications of nail-patella syndrome. Nail-patella syndrome or hereditary osteo-onychodysplasia is a genetic disease that is characterized by dysplasia or loss of the patella, A) malnutrition, elbow dysplasia, metatarsal horn and renal failure. Little first described the disease in 1897. In the mid-1960s, Muth and Silverman described the pathological changes of the glomerular structure of the syndrome. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, Hoyer and Bennett began to comprehensively study the ultrastructure and renal pathological characteristics of the glomerular basement membrane of the syndrome. A modern theory of the structural basis of renal lesions in nail-patella syndrome is proposed, and it is suggested that the syndrome may be caused by a biochemical defect of basement membrane collagen.

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