Mammary dysplasia

Breast dysplasia is manifested as dysplasia of the breast. Breast dysplasia is a congenital disorder, mainly due to the lack of glandular tissue, and the skin is still smooth and elastic. Occurred in unilateral often accompanied by pectoralis major dysplasia or absence. Can also be caused by burns in the breast area before puberty. Bilaterals may be caused by insensitivity to the sex hormones in the mature breast tissue. Nipple development can be normal. The breast is an ectodermal organ that originates from the skin and belongs to the superficial structure of the chest wall. Girls begin to develop breasts from 12 to 13 years of age, and mature to 15 to 17 years of age. Despite differences in species and ethnic groups, the mammary gland is roughly composed of 15-20 glandular leaves. Breast dysplasia is essentially a lack of tissue, so it is advisable to increase breast contents, enlarge the volume and improve the appearance during treatment, so that women can show their unique curvaceous beauty and charm.

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