Wet beriberi

Athlete's foot is a very common fungal infectious skin disease. The athlete's foot is divided into dry athlete's foot and wet athlete's foot. Wet beriberi is a more common and intractable condition in the clinic. Athlete's foot is the common name for athlete's foot. Some people confuse "beriberi" with "beriberi", which is wrong. Medical "beriberi" is a systemic disease caused by vitamin B deficiency, and "beriberi" is a common skin disease caused by fungal (also known as toxin) infection. 70-80% of adults have athlete's foot, just different in severity. It is often aggravated in summer and lightened in winter, and some people never heal all year round. Often occurs in the toe space. Medically, athlete's foot types are usually classified: erosion type, blister type, and keratosis type. Athlete's foot is also an infectious skin disease. The patient is conscious of itching, so it is most difficult to scratch. The scratched area not only promotes the spread of fungi to the hands and other parts of the body, but also provides opportunities for bacterial infections. Only timely medication can stop itching.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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