- Horizontal groove
- Nail clip injury
- Nail thick and cracked
- Nail-bone quadruple
- Dry nails
- Nail barb
- Nail Bed Buns
- Streaks or spots on the nails
- Blue-purple nails
- Nails appear black
- Nails are cylindrical
- Fan shaped nails
- Nails are triangular
- Soft or deformed nails
- Brown pigmentation in nail and ear cartilage
- Fractal bleeding under fingers or toenails
- Knuckle hypertrophy
- Fingertip and fingernail (toenail) erythema
- Osler nodules at the fingers
- Finger-to-nose inaccuracy
- Fingers and toenails appear pale or detached
- Complete loss of extension function of fingers, thumb and palate
- Numbness
- Finger (toe) nail thickening
- Finger (toe) nail color changes
- Finger (Toe) Transverse
- Finger (toe) nail point depression
- Paper fetus
- Tibial arch
- Plantar reflexivity
- Fibromyalgia
- Phytohemagglutinin Lymphogenesis
- Autonomic dysfunction
- Occupational neurosis
- Straight leg ankle test positive
- Orthostatic dehydration
- Orthostatic urinary protein
- Paroxysmal colic
- Impaired occipital lobe
- Pillow into the basin
- Occipital pain
- Occipital and posterior neck pain
- High blood pressure measured in the diagnostic room
- True bacteriuria
- Dermal aggressive growth
- Mycosis
- Sucrose-isomaltose malabsorption
- Knife break
- Zhao Feng ears
- Swell
- Pain
- Bloating
- Yellow keratin
- Palmar plantar hyperkeratosis
- Red palms
- Sweating
- Palm concave or disappear
- Palmprint atd angle greater than 45 °
- Metacarpal index and phalangeal index both increased
- Short metacarpals and metatarsals
- Milk up
- Difficulty opening mouth
- Open mouth breathing
- Roll over
- Delirium
- Blink more
- Hypertrophy
- Hypertrophy
- Proliferative periostitis
- Bipolar
- Mania
- Madness
- Early pregnancy response
- Upper and lower eyelid adhesion in the morning
- Early satiety
- Organ failure
- Organs become smaller
- Visceral dysfunction
- Disaster response
- Tumor compression
- Tenderness in the lateral abdominal wall or back waist
- Pellagra-like rash
- Halo stitch
- Bloody
- Halo effect
- Signs of syncope
- Recurrent syncope
- Syncope
- Airsickness
- Motion sickness
- Motor excitement or depression
- Exercise fatigue
- Motor neglect
- Motor amenorrhea
- Sports Injury
- Knee pain worsens during exercise
- Dyskinesia
- Sports asthma
- Decreased exercise endurance
- Exercise or emotionally induced chest pain
- Sore body after exercise
- Hematuria after exercise
- Motor dysfunction
- Abdominal pain
- Motor conduction beam involvement
- Hypokinesis syndrome
- Abdominal pain in the second trimester
- Abdominal pain in the third trimester
- Constipation during pregnancy
- Supine hypotension in pregnant women
- Shortness of breath in pregnant women
- Pregnant woman with itchy calf
- Swelling of calf in pregnant woman
- Abdominal pain in pregnant women
- Stomachache in pregnant woman
- Cramps in pregnant women's legs
- Pregnant woman getting angry
- Generalized edema in pregnant women
- Pregnant woman asthma
- Anemia in pregnant women
- Bitter mouth for pregnant women
- Pregnant woman with lump
- Non-pregnant abdominal pain in pregnant women
- Pregnant woman with itchy belly
- Pubic pain in pregnant women
- Maternal low back pain
- Menstrual cycle changes
- Menstrual periods are frequent and constant
- Premenstrual edema
- Back pain during menstruation
- Menstrual acne
- Darkening menstruation
- Hyperopia diopter increases
- Ectopic rhythm
- Round or oval pimples or nodules
- Unknown metastases
- Vitality depression
- Weak vitality
- Vitality decay
- Itchy drama
- Increased perspiration after cold
- Speech tremor enhancement
- Stunted speech
- Pulses in line with the pulse
- Distortion of blepharoplasty
- Ichthyosis red skin
- Yu Li is not clean
- Bruise
- Stasis dysmenorrhea
- Stasis accumulation
- Bruises
- Ecchymosis ring
- Congestive heart failure
- Right waist tenderness
- Right chest pain
- Right heart failure
- Right ventricular outflow tract
- Right heart insufficiency
- Right flank pain
- Right lower quadrant tenderness
- Right lower quadrant pain with vomiting
- Palpable soft sausage-like mass in the right lower abdomen
- Right ventricular hypertrophy
- Right upper quadrant tenderness
- Right upper quadrant pain
- Persistent severe pain in the right upper quadrant and radiation to the right shoulder
- Right bundle branch block
- Acne on right cheek
- Right back pain
- Reduced effective blood volume
- Ovulatory dysfunction
- Organophosphate poisoning
- Swimming kidney
- Verrucous proliferation
- Oily scales
- Pyloric mass
- Anterior pyloric ulcer
- Pyloric muscle hypertrophy
- Pyloric stenosis
- Pyloric ulcer
- Pyloric scar stenosis
- Melancholy
- Stomach symptoms during medication
- Explore objects with your mouth
- Permanent baldness
- Hug reflection disappears
- Hug reflection diminishes or disappears
- Dura mater
- Semi-circular ridge
- Hard spot
- Nutritional disorders
- Nutritional skin changes
- Lack of nutritional metabolism
- Malnutrition edema
- Cherry Anthurium
- Infant vulvar pain
- Infants and toddlers often flip during sleep, shaking their heads repeatedly
- Infants with protruding umbilicus
- Infant convulsions
- Occipital alopecia areata
- Infant feeding difficulties
- Baby hips red
- Baby spitting
- Baby with scalp with yellow scabs
- Infant scalp hemorrhage
- Baby head big
- Babies gain weight slowly or not
- Baby gains too much weight
- Baby talking late
- Babies sleep less
- Baby sleeping shaking his head
- Baby crying before going to bed
- Baby sleeping scared
- Baby sleeping and snoring
- Baby sleeping sweating
- Babies do not sleep well
- Infant eczema scab
- Baby hot
- Yellow baby
- Baby rib eversion
- Scoliosis of infants
- Baby blackheads
- Baby brown or dark green mucus
- Infant nipple pain and bleeding when suckling
- Baby is overweight
- Delayed teething
- Baby walking late
- Hypofunction
- Recessive edema
- Hidden postpartum hemorrhage
- Dull pain
- Cryptococcus membrane polysaccharide accumulation
- Drinking cough
- Drinking blush
- Bard-like language
- Voiceless
- Anomalous tonality
- Sore neck and shoulders in rainy days
- Yin-Yang Qi-Blood Imbalance
- Yin blood loss
- Yin deficiency constitution
- Yin deficiency and fire hyperactivity
- Scrotal pain
- Swelling of the scrotum
- Scrotum fall
- Scrotal edema
- Scrotal tongue
- White pupa on the scrotum
- Scrotal swelling
- Wet scrotum with odor
- Pubic hair
- Pubic hair
- Yin deficiency pulse depression
- Abnormal penis
- Penile urethra
- Penis pain
- Penile injury
- Edema of the penis and scrotum
- Short penis
- Superficial ulcer
- Pussy sores
- Clitoral hypertrophy
- Vaginal metastasis
- Vaginal adhesions or even atresia
- Vaginal adhesions
- Vaginal drainage is black water
- Vaginal mucosal swelling
- Fecal and bloody secretions in the vagina
- Vaginal discharge of yellow or bloody odorous discharge
- Vaginal laceration
- Local swelling and pain in the vaginal opening
- Vaginal posterior fornix tenderness
- Vaginal dryness
- Increased vaginal discharge
- Vaginal bleeding
- Irregular vaginal bleeding
- Labia fusion
- Pussy burning
- Genital ulcer
- Hysteria gait
- Loss of character
- Wrong intention
- Hazy state of consciousness
- Change of consciousness
- Escape appears
- Friendship
- Prone to pathological jealousy
- Transsexual
- Easy to wake up
- Easy to cry
- Tiredness
- Irritable
- Fainting easily
- Fall easily
- Volatile spasm
- Depressive stupor
- Heterologous ACTH
- Heteroprotein response
- Molar at night
- Shoulder pain at night