Duodenal height expansion

Duodenal high dilation is one of the clinical symptoms of acute jejunal intestinal obstruction and is one of the causes of acute gastric dilation. Duodenum duodenum is between the stomach and the jejunum. Adults are 20-25cm in length and 4-5cm in diameter. They are close to the posterior wall of the abdomen. . The pancreatic duct and common bile duct are opened in the duodenum. Therefore, it accepts both gastric juice and pancreatic juice and bile injection, so the duodenal digestive function is very important. The shape of the duodenum is "C", including the pancreatic head, which can be divided into four parts: the upper part, the lower part, the horizontal part and the ascending part. Gastrojejunostomy syndrome [Diagnosis] History questioning: ①Acute jejunal import syndrome: sudden upper abdominal pain, frequent vomiting, no bile in the vomit, symptoms do not ease after vomiting, and duodenal height may occur in severe obstruction Dilation, intestinal wall necrosis, perforation, leading to acute peritonitis. Acute gastric expansion (acutedilatationofstomach) refers to the high expansion of the stomach and upper duodenum caused by the retention of large amounts of gas, liquid or food in the stomach and duodenum.

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