Red tongue tip

Tongue redness is the redness of the tongue. The color and luster of normal human tongue is pink and moist. If the tongue is bright red and mainly red, it is called red tongue; if the tongue is red and the color is dark, it is one layer deeper than red and it is called tongue. Before the appearance of palatal tongue, it mostly passed through the stage of red tongue. The clinical significance and formation mechanism of the two tongues are similar. It is often called that the red tongue is a symbol of fiery inflammation. The two differ only in the degree of heat. Red tongue is caused by high fever and yin, which often occurs in pathological processes such as infection, poisoning, vitamin deficiency, dehydration, anemia, and coma. The tongue is bright red or crimson, indicating that the heat enters the camp, but the nature of the heat is different, and the two are different.

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