Renal Concentration Dysfunction

The kidney has a condensing function, and the renal concentrating function is impaired due to various diseases, such as reduced renal concentrating function. Primary glomerular disease: When chronic glomerulonephritis affects the renal medulla, concentrating dysfunction can occur, manifested by increased urine output. Renal: such as glomerular disease, chronic tubulointerstitial disease, and impaired renal concentrating function, nocturia first appears, followed by the development of renal polyuria, or even diabetes insipidus. The elderly, especially those with high blood pressure and diabetes, are most likely to have nocturia due to renal arteriosclerosis and impaired renal concentration. Fanconisyndrome is also known as Fanconi-deToni syndrome, osteomalacia-renal diabetes, amino aciduria, hyperphosphatemia syndrome, and various renal tubular dysfunction diseases refer to hereditary or acquired proximal kidneys The clinical manifestations of a group of symptoms caused by tubule dysfunction are all-amino acid urinary phosphate urine, glucosuria, bicarbonate urine, and organic aciduria such as uric acid.

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