
Lactation is a physiological phenomenon in humans and even all mammals, and galactorrhea refers to pathological lactation in a non-physiological state or during non-pregnant lactation. Almost all men with milk secretion are pathological. It is reported abroad that a part of women of normal childbearing age are in non-pregnant lactation period and can squeeze out a small amount of milk, which may be physiological. Generally speaking, women who shed milk more frequently during non-pregnant lactation, or who have amenorrhea at the same time, should also be considered abnormal. Hyperprolactinemia means that the level of serum prolactin (PRL) is higher than normal (0.04-1.0 nmol / L for women, 1-25ng / ml for women; 0.0-0.8nmol / L for men, 1- 20 ng / ml).

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