- Drumsticks and whistle leaking
- Redness of eardrum and redness behind ear
- Tympanic hyperemia
- Tympanic scarring
- Intestine
- Massive proliferation of osteophytes
- Bone metastasis
- Osteophyte hyperplasia
- Bone thickening
- Bone sclerosis
- Bone itching
- Bone tenderness
- Bone aseptic necrosis
- Epiphysis
- Extra-bone mass
- Dysplasia of bone marrow hematopoietic cells
- Bone marrow shift
- Bone marrow changes
- Bone marrow damage
- Bone marrow megakaryocyte maturation disorder
- Bone marrow plasmacytosis
- Bone marrow dysplasia
- Osteomalacia
- Osteolysis
- Bone discouraged
- Cortical thinning
- Pelvic pain
- Pelvic injury
- Intraosseous damage
- Periosteal response
- Increased bone density
- Delayed bone age
- Bone fracture
- Atrophy of interosseous and intermuscular muscles
- Bone and soft tissue hypertrophy
- Epiphyseal closure
- Late appearance of bone nucleus, small development
- Bone mass
- Bone stops developing
- Bone surface protrudes outward
- Reduced bone deformation
- Bone fracture
- Enlarged bone
- Reduced bone metabolism
- Bone brittle
- Bone spur formation
- Bone birth canal abnormalities
- Bone spots
- Quadriceps Injury
- Femoral nerve damage
- Femoral triangle tenderness
- Numbness and antagonism
- Loss of sensation in the medial anterior thigh and medial calf
- Widened proximal femur
- Pigmentation on the groin and inner thigh skin
- Biceps Injury
- Femoral artery gunshot
- Rash on the inner thigh near the scrotum
- Dysarthria
- Inarticulate
- Dysphonia-Clumsy Hand Syndrome
- Uncle dermatitis
- Hookback
- Sulcus widening
- Ataxia
- Mercury tremor
- Scleral vesicles
- Episcleral inflammation
- Scleral edema
- Yellow sclera
- Scleral perforation
- Scleral bleeding
- Scleral congestion
- Contraction weakness
- Intrauterine adhesions
- Intrauterine hemorrhage
- Cervical mucus
- Cervical adhesions
- Cervical edema
- Cervical soft
- Anterior cervical edema
- Cervical mucus purulent discharge
- Cervical cyst
- Cervical hypertrophy
- Cervical atresia
- Emptiness at the base of the palace and above the pubic bone
- Functional tremor
- Functional headache
- Cock gait
- Arched fingers
- Arched foot
- Job burnout
- Terrier
- Menopause dysfunction
- Menopause obesity
- Infection
- The fornix becomes flat
- Swell
- Numbness
- Diaphragmatic defect
- Narrow diaphragm orifice
- Lattice-like degeneration
- Overcast
- Gram-negative bacilli infection
- Testicular pain
- Enlarged and hardened testicles
- Testicular atrophy
- Tiny testicles
- Testicular infiltration
- Testicular hypoplasia
- Testicular tenderness
- Hyperviscosity syndrome
- High bloody face
- Hyperlipidemia
- Hyperkalemia
- High blood nitrogen
- Hyperandrogenemia
- Hyperthermia edema
- High paraplegia
- Hyperhomocysteinemia
- High ventilation
- Hypercapnia
- Towering and symmetrical T wave
- Hypertonic coma
- Hypertonic urine
- High fever chill
- High fever
- High fever
- Hypercoagulable state
- High intracranial pressure syndrome
- Hypertestosterone
- Takahata Bow
- Highly dilated capillaries
- High metabolic syndrome
- Hypergastrinemia
- High oxalate
- Perianal soft palate
- Perianal skin with eczema
- Perianal skin flushing
- Perianal cyst
- Reduced anal gland secretion
- Anal papillary hypertrophy
- Anal area covered by skin
- Paraanal abscess
- Slight tingling or discomfort in the anus
- Anal endocrine
- Anal bulging
- Anorectal deformity
- Prolapse of black lump in the anus
- Anal night tickling
- Rupture of external anal sphincter
- Anal eversion
- Anal pain
- Anal slack
- Anal eczema itching
- Anal sphincter relaxation
- Anal pain
- Anal deformity
- Narrow anus or anal canal
- Anal perineal area is wet and dirty
- Diminished or disappeared anal reflex
- Paroxysmal dull anal
- Anal lesions
- Anal fissure triad
- Anal fissure ulcer
- Anal canal stenosis
- Transanal sphincter
- Anal reflex disappears
- Infection-induced coma
- Infectious neoplasm
- Infectious fever
- Infectious rhinitis
- Sensory ataxia gait
- Sensory ataxia
- Feeling over
- Sensory separation
- Feel wrong
- Liver dullness is reduced or disappeared
- Liver metastasis
- Hepatomegaly
- Liver texture
- Liver steatosis
- Liver enlargement
- Mild steatosis of the liver
- Diffuse liver disease
- Liver Depression and Qi Stagnation
- Liver depression and fire
- Hepatic lobe atrophy
- Purulent scabs caused by hepatitis
- Hepatic stellate cell hyperplasia
- Liver ptosis
- Steatosis of liver cells
- Hepatocyte stent collapse
- Excessive accumulation of fat in liver cells
- Hepatocyte necrosis
- Extrahepatic bile duct stones
- Increased glycogen
- Liver shrinkage
- Liver failure
- Liver loss
- Liver fever and gall
- Hepatic murmur
- Liver pain
- Liver fricative
- Hepatic pain
- Liver Qi Depression
- Liver Qi and Stomach
- Liver Qi and Lung
- Liver addiction
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Intrahepatic cholestasis
- Eosinophilic granuloma
- Intrahepatic tube obstruction
- Intrahepatic calcification
- Liver HDAg is only transiently positive
- Hepatic vein reflux disorder
- Hepatic vein disease
- Positive hepatic-jugular reflux sign
- Liver fever
- Qi stagnation in the liver
- Hydrohepatic
- Liver Huosheng
- Anger
- Abnormal liver function
- Liver failure
- Impaired liver function
- Liver dysfunction
- Liver function tests often increase bilirubin and transaminase
- Ascites
- Sinus dilatation
- Big and hard
- Liver odor
- Liver disease
- Liver disease face
- Hepatic capsule hematoma rupture
- Liver capsule tension
- Dry eczema
- Dry spots
- Dry seborrhea
- Dry skin
- Dry athlete's foot
- Dry sound
- Dry cough
- Calcium influx
- Calcium deposition
- Swelling of the flank
- Epigastric
- The rectus abdominis touches an unidentified fixed mass
- Abdominal distension
- Bloating
- Diarrhea and constipation alternate
- Diarrhea is watery with mucus stench without pus and blood
- Diarrhea
- Increased abdominal circumference
- Abdominal pain with shock
- Abdominal pain with jaundice
- Abdominal pain, fever and jaundice
- Stomach ache
- White nodules found in stool
- Eggs or pregnancy segments found in stool
- Stool-like stool
- Fecal impaction
- Abnormal fecal excretion
- Feces are low
- Excessive stool
- Black stools with blood
- Green stool
- Comminuted fracture
- Pink foamy sputum
- Goiter after delivery
- Detached forgetting
- Dissociative identity disorder
- Dissociative roaming
- Dissociated 恍惚 state and attached state
- Rash-like rash
- Pulmonary heart failure
- Pulmonary dyspnea
- Pulmonary congestion
- Increased pulmonary blood
- Low pulmonary blood flow
- Pulmonary blood flow
- Pulmonary hypertrophy
- Pulmonary Fibrosis
- Segmental or lobulous fuzzy shadows around the lower lobe
- Increased lung texture
- Thickening of lung texture
- Reduced lung texture
- Extrapulmonary symptoms
- Pulmonary ventilation-blood flow imbalance
- Lung involvement
- Pulmonary consolidation
- Reduced lung volume
- Pulmonary abandonment
- Barotrauma
- Alveolar inflammation
- Alveolar lavage fluid shows large amounts of amorphous debris
- Alveolar hemorrhage
- Round solid or cystic mass in the lung
- Cavity in the lung
- Intrapulmonary lesions