Social sensitivity disorder

Social sensitivity disorder is a tendency to feel uncomfortable and depressed in the presence of others, and to avoid contact with others. It is generally an introverted deviation. Socially impaired students are shy, often escaping possible interpersonal situations with excessive sensitivity, to avoid any potential criticism and the resulting humiliation and anxiety. They are afraid to face social situations, fear of negative evaluations of others, fear of being rejected, ignored, and close contact. The negative impact on the growth of children and adolescents is multifaceted: it is difficult to make new friends and share intimacy and care with others; it is difficult to communicate effectively with others, thus hindering the expression of their opinions and the protection of their rights and interests; it is easy to cause Misunderstandings of others prevent others from correctly assessing themselves, because students with social disabilities always give the impression of being unfriendly, distrustful, frank, and lacking enthusiasm, making it difficult for others to understand his true abilities; thus forming or Strengthened his frustrated, lonely and inferior personality.

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