Diffuse pulmonary dysfunction
Hilar shadows
Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis
Increased lung water content
Over-inflated lung
Pulmonary murmur
Reduced pulmonary wedge pressure (PCWP)
Pulmonary stenosis
Pulmonary stenosis murmur
Echo sounds can be heard in the pulmonary valve area
Pulmonary arteriovenous fistula
Lung metastasis
Lung mass
Lung rales
Lung, wet and dry wheezing and wheezing
Thickening and infiltration in the lungs or around the bronchi
Purulent infection of the lungs
Pulmonary bleeding
Lung cancer pleural effusion
Disuse amblyopia
Obese hypoventilation
Fat pattern
Obesity with painful nodules or fat mass
Hypertrophic scar
Hypertrophic fibrous tissue hyperplasia
Positive fatal reaction
Mental disorders caused by independent substances
Nonblood ascites
Increased non-pregnant lower abdomen
Non-infectious fever
Asymmetric tonic neck reflex
Non vitreous lesions in front of flying mosquito
Non-depressive myxedema
Radiation pain
Brachial plexus and lumbosacral plexus injuries after radiation
Atrial escape rhythm
Atrioventricular separation
Square shoulder deformity
Faster heartbeat after meals
Palpitations after a meal
Sleepy after a meal
Light mouth after meal
Pour clear water
Vitamin b5
Generalized red plaque
Pan nausea
Reactive cellular changes
Acid reflux
Reflex low back pain
Reflex vomiting
Reflection arc break
Licking lips repeatedly
Recurrent genital ulcer
Repeated upper respiratory infections
Repeated vomiting
Repeated fever
Repeated infection
Repeated colds
Recurrent pneumonia
Repeated atelectasis
Recurrent right lung infection
Recurrent headache
Recurrent shingles
Anti-relapse fever
Repeated bleeding
Repeated nosebleeds
Thirst to drink cold
Difficulty turning over
Sail-shaped placenta
Paroxysmal vertigo
Paroxysmal limb stiffness
Paroxysmal lethargy and anorexia
Paroxysmal smirk
Paroxysmal cough
Paroxysmal involuntary movement
Mental disorder
Post-seizure mental disorder
Developmental deformity
Developmental pelvic abnormalities
Pronunciation changes
Fever with rash
Fever with abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting
Fever with eye congestion
Fever with frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, back pain
Fever with lymphadenopathy and tenderness
Fever with cough, expectoration, chest pain
Fever with chills
Fever with joint swelling and pain
Fever with bleeding
Pain in the hair
Dicarboxyamino aciduria
Dibasic amino aciduria
Mitral valve prolapse
Otogenic vertigo
Otogenic tetanus
Ear fluid
Tenacious mass in the subauricular area
Cochlear deafness
Ear depression
Bloated ears
Ear vestibular hearing imbalance
Impaired vestibular function
Swelling in front of the ear
Pain in the ear
Pus in ear
Swelling in the ear
In-ear occlusion
Ear muff
Ear leak
Ear pus
Ear pain
Auricle redness
Localized cyst of ventral auricle
Auricular radiation pain
Auricle ear canal laceration
Ear abrasions
Enlarged ears
Mass in the ear hole
A lump in the ear hole
Dry necrosis of the ear shell
Ear burn brain fever
Pain behind the ear
Postauricular mastoid edema
Swollen lymph nodes behind the ear
Erythema behind the ear
Ear swollen pain
Ear Guo prominent
Ruptured eardrum
Eardrum perforation
Ear bone eversion
Ear root pain
Ear frostbite
Hyperalgesia or decrease from the top of the ear line to the hairline
Ear canal bleeding
Ear canal pus
Ear canal scratch
Blocked ear canal
Earlobe adhesions
Earlobe defect
Hard palate in ear lobe
Excessive earlobe
Earlox acne
Ear, nose, and cartilage turn blue
Child gender bias
Dystonia in children
Children withdrawn
Children with slow movements
Child withdrawal
Child headache
Childhood peptic ulcer
Migraine in children
Partial eclipse
Child Wetting Bed
Child association and affective disorders
Child parting anxiety
Hip pain in children
Childhood phobia
Children's terror disorder
Child psychomotor abnormalities
Repeated fractures in children
Fecal incontinence in children
Children with tic disorder
Children dare not sleep on their backs
Catecholamine secretion
Genioglossopharyngeal respiratory muscles show symmetrical flaccid paresis
Black burnt on the crotch
Small bleeding spots visible in the crotch
Crotch perforation
Malignant pleural effusion
Pernicious anemia
Nausea and vomiting
Bad breath, white smelly feces
Cachexia face
Malignant acne
Motor cortical seizures of frontal lobe epilepsy
Frontal polar seizures of frontal lobe epilepsy
Frontal lobe seizures
Frontal lobular seizures
"Fencing Posture" of Frontal Epilepsy
Frontal lobe epilepsy
Forehead wrinkles suddenly increase
Forehead acne
Sweat on forehead
Frontal zone feeling diminished
Forehead mass
Forehead pain
Forehead white spot
21-hydroxylase deficiency
"E" sign
Frontal lines deepening
Multi-finger (toe) deformity
Drink more
Polymorphic erythematous rash
Polyclonal cryoglobulinemia
Sweaty and smelly
Sweaty wind
Multiple rib fractures
Multiple needlepoint petechiae
Multiple nodules
Black eyes before squatting
Overreaction to stimuli such as hearing, sight, and touch
Sensitive to sound
Lost interest in life
Abnormal interests in women's goods
Indistinguishable red and green colors
Dissatisfaction with light
Slow reflection of light
Intolerance to fatty diets
Symmetrical muscle weakness
Contralateral limb hemiplegia
Allergic to bismuth salts
Intermittent muscle contraction
Hair break
Transient vertigo
Short head deformity
Short neck
Navel itching
Navel pain
Difficulty in reading small print and distinguishing colors
Muscarinic symptoms
Toxic liver damage
Drug dependence
Sinus node disease
Sinus phase
Acne Scars
Lenticular artery occlusion
Action-like wall
Eye movement crisis
Oculomotor palsy
Arteriography abnormalities
Reduced arterial oxygen saturation
Arterial blood stealing
Arterial bleeding
Arteries are elongated and twisted
Arteriovenous short circuit
Cold feet in winter
Itchy skin in winter
Chronic cough, sputum and wheezing in winter and spring
Location signs
Localizing nerve signs
Sphenoid fracture
Saddle vacuole
Deformation of the saddle
Fall attack
Amyloid deposition
Electrophysiological abnormalities
Electromechanical separation
Electric shock-like or stinging headache
Electric shock
Spotted acne
Spot bleeding
Nodding sign
Epilepsy headache
Epilepsy personality change
Epilepsy and seizures
Autonomic seizures of epilepsy
Absence of epilepsy
Generalized tonic-clonic seizures of epilepsy
Complex partial seizures of epilepsy
Simple partial seizures
Epilepsy-associated neurosis
Peak pain
First heart sound
Third heart sound gallop
Secondary sexual characteristics