- Context expansion
- Faster pulse rate
- Pulse
- Slow pulse
- Pulse flood slip
- Pulse tight
- Pulsed string
- Slow or thin pulse
- Fine pulse
- The pulse is so weak that it cannot be clearly reached
- Pulse Leak
- Fast and weak pulse
- Pulse acceleration
- Short pulse
- Wheat bran-like desquamation
- Buried tooth
- Horsetail injury
- Horseshoe valgus
- Anesthetic poisoning
- Measles face
- Leprosy Horror
- Moro is unresponsive
- Cardiac beat
- Cardiac closure late
- Burning ribs
- Miliary pus
- Facial edema
- Facial hemispherical blue-black nodules
- Spiral fracture
- Rale
- Oval fossa
- Incompletely closed oval hole
- Pebble sign
- Increased follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)
- Ovarian hairy
- Ovarian amenorrhea
- Ovarian deficiency or hypoplasia
- Ovarian dysfunction
- Contracture scar
- Green or tan teeth
- Green Vision
- Green weak
- Green urine
- Green blind
- Traveler edema
- Follicle enlargement
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Extracranial headache
- Cranial nerve palsy
- Headache after head injury
- Intracranial space occupying lesion
- Increased intracranial pressure
- Intracranial headache
- Intracranial hypertension
- Intracranial infection
- Intracranial calcification
- Craniofacial deformity
- Skull hyperplasia
- Skull continuity
- Cranial suture closes prematurely
- Skull base deformity
- Funnel pelvis
- Hemoptysis with bleeding from the skin and mucous membranes
- Hemoptysis with chest pain
- Hemoptysis with cough
- Hemoptysis with jaundice
- Hemoptysis with fever
- Tumor cell infiltration
- Tumor pull
- Tumor
- Epidemic myalgia
- Drooling sticky
- Drool
- Runny nose
- Shed tears
- Runny nose
- Flu-like symptoms
- Snot
- Diamond-phenomenon
- Chill fever
- Squamous cell metaplasia
- Scaly
- Phosphorus burn with poisoning
- Lymphoproliferative
- Lymphatic outflow
- Lymphadenopathy
- Lymph node degeneration
- Lymph node tuberculosis
- Lymph node puncture with grass yellow clear liquid
- Lymph node congestion
- Lymphatic stasis
- Lymphatic rupture
- Lymphatic hypoplasia
- Lymphatic metastasis
- Severe postpartum pain
- Poor flexion after labor
- Fissure
- Can't see under both eyes
- Binocular upper vision disorder
- Dry eyes
- Tingling in both eyes
- Thickened lung texture
- The legs are not the same length
- Shaking hands
- Diffuse or scattered reversible wheeze in both lungs
- Ground-glass miliary or nodular changes in both lungs
- Both lungs are covered with miliary shadows
- Concave cheeks and temporal recesses
- Can't lift your arms to form a shoulder
- Cold nodule
- Benign ulcer changes
- Benign duchenne muscular dystrophy
- Benign reactive change
- Beastly sexual metamorphosis
- Necrophilia
- Love towel towel
- Love frustration syndrome
- Dark spots on face
- Spots on the face
- Yellow face
- Black complexion
- Cracked face
- Red bloodshot cheeks
- Cheek flushing
- Blush
- Frostbite
- Facial pain
- Different face sizes
- Association disorder
- Combined valve prolapse
- Continuous machine-like noise
- His Majesty's Blood
- Diarrhea
- Diarrhea-like stool
- Granulocytopenia
- Asphalt burn
- Diuretic
- Standing heart rate difference
- Standing hair reflex
- Reduction of standing hair reflection
- After the emergency
- Cold pain
- Cryoglobulin precipitates or jelly
- Cold nodule
- Cold sweat
- Peritonitis involving the entire abdominal cavity
- Urticaria-like skin flushing
- Ape-like pelvis
- Paranoid
- Withdrawal-like response
- Carcinoid blush
- Reduction or disappearance of tears, saliva and sweat
- Lacrimal gland prolapse
- Lacrimal cyst
- Lacrimal gland sweat glands and salivary glands increase first and then decrease
- Lacrimal gland inflammation
- Lacrimal gland
- Tear film disappears
- Rib pain
- Hydrocostal cavity
- Intercostal tenderness
- Narrow intercostal space
- Intercostal scapular pain
- Rib pain
- Rib fusion
- Ribs and substernal inhalation depressions
- Tyrosinemia
- Elderly character withdrawn
- Elderly man with slow movement
- Hip pain in the elderly
- Senior man coughs violently
- Elderly constipation
- Senile tremor
- Senile vertigo
- Elderly calf edema
- Leg cramps in older people
- Older people cry more
- Hyperviscosity in the elderly
- Painless lumps in breasts of older men
- Breast enlargement in older women
- Old and thin
- Aging sagging bags under the eyes
- Labor syncope
- Dyspnea on exertion
- Waist pain or soreness during exertion
- Exhausted Semen
- Chest pain after exhaustion
- Palpitations after exhaustion
- Feeling chest tightness after fatigue
- Decreased labor endurance
- Short of breath after work
- Bad eyes
- Rotten peach-like blood sputum
- Lazy gallbladder
- Blue bullous mole
- Blue visual field defect
- Blue, blue-gray or blue-black pimples
- Blue yellow weak
- Blue yellow blind
- Blue drum membrane sign
- Blue sclera
- Appendix fibrosis
- Periappendix abscess
- Appendix ischemia and congestion
- Appendix occlusion
- Appendix abscess
- Appendix infection
- Appendix perforation
- Ischemic necrosis of the appendix wall
- Dachshund toe
- Supraorbital fissure syndrome
- Narrow blepharoplasty
- Conjunctival sand grain appearance
- Gray-black mass
- Off-white membrane
- Conjunctival congestion reveals yellow pus
- "Sophisticated" appearance
- Alternating mania and lethargy
- Bone fracture
- Vomiting
- A lot of bloody foamy sputum
- Hematoma in the broad ligament
- The ulcer looks like a crater
- Ulcers look like worms
- Cauliflower-like appearance
- Ulcer pain
- Ulcer shadow
- Stench of ulcer
- Ulcer perforation or bleeding
- Voyeur
- Periorbital ecchymosis
- Periorbital edema
- Orbital blue
- Orbital venous reflux disorder
- Orbital floor burst
- Laugh
- Lateral hip swelling and tenderness
- Lateral hip soreness
- Subcutaneous bruises on the outside of the hip
- Hip inversion
- Hip pain
- Hip fluid
- Hip dysplasia
- Hip soreness
- Flexion deformities of hips, knees, and elbows
- Lump sputum
- Cross-threshold gait
- Exaggeration
- Bitter smile
- Crying and laughing
- Crying syncope
- Crying scream
- Diffuse keratosis
- Diffuse low back pain
- Diffuse mesangial sclerosis
- Diffuse headache
- Diffuse umbilical pain
- Diffuse drum sound
- Diffuse osteoporosis
- Diffuse periosteal thickening
- Diffuse abdominal ossification
- Diffuse bleeding
- Dreams slip
- Sleepwalking
- Dream
- Sprouting delay
- Outpatient hypertension
- Formation of portal collateral circulation
- Portal collateral circulation
- Portal hypertension
- Stagnation of portal blood flow
- Portal vein gas
- Wider tooth pitch
- Fungal infection
- Sticky sputum crystallized by coal dust or cholesterol
- Syphilis
- Syphilitic hair loss
- Syphilitic keratitis
- Syphilitic leukoplakia
- Syphilis terror
- Syphilis infection
- Syphilis liver
- Sagging or low eyebrows
- Thinning and thinning of the outer eyebrows
- Eyebrows turn white
- Wrinkles between the eyebrows
- Arch pain
- Brow arch cyst
- Brow arch depression
- No anal
- Capillary leakage syndrome
- Telangiectasia
- Capillary bleeding
- Capillary pulsation
- Hair occlusion
- Scaly keratosis
- Follicle angle plug
- Hyperkeratosis
- Clogged pores
- Large pores