Renal tubular atrophy

Due to forced diuresis of the glomerulus, severe interstitial edema causes collapse. Individual patients with minimally pathological nephropathy, especially the older, may develop renal insufficiency, the main reason is forced diuresis, and severe interstitial edema causes renal tubular collapse. Minimal changenephrosis (MCN) was formerly known as lipidoid nephrosis (lipoidnephrosis) because most patients are sensitive to hormone therapy, so it is also called hormone sensitive NS. The disease is a group of glomeruli that are basically normal under light microscopy, and proximal renal tubular epithelial cells that are fatty degeneration. Electron microscopy of glomerular epithelial foot process cell fusion and disappearance without mesangial cell proliferation, stroma widening, and immune deposition. The clinical manifestations of the nephropathy typical of the primary glomerular disease are nephrotic syndrome, that is, a large amount of proteinuria, hypoalbuminemia, edema, hyperlipidemia and so on. It usually occurs after a respiratory infection. Complications include infections such as thrombosis, acute renal failure, pneumonia encephalopathy, and peritonitis. MCN is a very common type of kidney disease in children. MCN is susceptible to steroid hormone therapy and tends to ease and relapse. This disease rarely develops into end-stage renal failure.

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