- Acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis
- Altitude sickness
- Acute rhinitis
- Hormone
- Genetic mutation
- Goosebumps
- Dystonia syndrome
- Dark circles
- Cholera-like syndrome
- Secondary thrombocytopenia
- Mixed account
- Onychomycosis, onychomycosis (onychomycosis)
- Grey milk
- Impetigo
- Tooth change
- Gangrenous pyoderma
- Pregnancy
- Clonorchiasis sinensis
- Foreign body in the respiratory tract
- Post uveitis
- Huntington's disease
- Melanoma
- Acanthosis nigricans
- Vitamin B2 deficiency
- First aid for puffer fish poisoning
- Sweat card
- Plant food poisoning with nitrite
- Hysteria
- Recurrent urinary tract infection
- Retroperitoneal hernia
- Inguinal hernia
- Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome
- Wind-driven prejudice
- Childbirth
- Pneumococcal pneumonia
- Klebsiella pneumonia
- Pleural pleural amoebiasis
- Pulmonary embolism and pulmonary infarction
- Pulmonary wind acne
- Bullae
- Pulmonary paragonimiasis
- Nonspecific vaginitis
- Non-ulcer indigestion
- Infectious atypical pneumonia
- Non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction
- Criminal psychology
- Reactive histiocytosis
- Tetralogy of Fallot
- Development
- Hair
- Felty syndrome
- Second-hand smoke
- Aggressive hydatidiform mole
- Malignant melanoma
- Nausea and vomiting
- Type 2 diabetes
- Ⅱ degree cervical erosion
- Multiple personality
- Multiple tics syndrome
- Polymorphic erythema
- Multiple births
- Multiple breasts
- Multiple sclerosis
- Transient ischemic attack
- Congenital cervical fusion deformity
- Sinus arrhythmia
- Hepatitis D
- Orbital meningioma
- Lose teeth
- Electric shock
- Status epilepticus
- Hypoglycemia syndrome
- Cholesterol
- Simple lower extremity varicose veins
- Simple renal cyst
- Herpes simplex virus infection
- Omental tumor
- Bullous epidermolysis
- Building disease syndrome
- Massive hemoptysis
- Hard of hearing
- Plexus sciatica
- Repeat penis
- Acne
- Prolactinoma
- Sudden death coronary heart disease
- Pure red blood cell aplasia
- Pituitary dwarf disease
- Pituitary tumor
- Traumatic shock
- Infectious impetigo
- Infectious mononucleosis
- Peritoneal hernia
- Colostrum
- Ugly
- Convulsions and convulsions
- Worm bite dermatitis
- Upper ulnar fracture with radial head dislocation
- Continuous posterior occipital and lateral occipital positions
- Adult female breast hypertrophy
- Adult respiratory distress syndrome
- Intestinal flora imbalance
- Intestinal tapeworm
- Enteropathic acral dermatitis
- Birth pain
- Puerperal mastitis
- Puerperium
- Productivity
- Postpartum blood stasis
- Hairy sinus and hairy cyst
- Cannibal corneal ulcer
- Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease
- Infertility
- Primary ciliary dyskinesia
- Breast-feeding
- Disseminated intravascular coagulation
- Vitreous hemorrhage
- Viral meningitis
- Hepatitis C
- Allergic vasculitis
- Lichen planus
- Contraception
- Occlusive thromboangiitis
- Occlusive arteriosclerosis
- Rhinosclerosis
- Scar
- Bart 's Syndrome
- Barton's disease
- Barrett's esophagus
- Cancer pain
- Erich disease
- Ebstein syndrome
- Ebola virus disease
- A-S syndrome
- Alzheimer's disease
- Dream
- Histiofibroma
- Histiocytic necrotizing lymphadenitis
- Adenomyosis
- Spinal tuberculosis
- Zhubi
- Attention deficit disorder
- Globin production anemia
- Elbow valgus deformity
- Elbow varus deformity
- Peripheral neuritis
- Low IQ
- Shigella
- Occupational medicine
- Rectal protrusion
- Seborrheic dermatitis
- Liposarcoma
- Limb atrophy
- Bronchial Asthma
- Lobular pneumonia
- Symptomatic epilepsy syndrome
- Chondrolipoma
- Age-related macular degeneration
- Premature baby
- H1N1 influenza
- Fidget
- Tenderness in the area of the ischemia
- Left waist tenderness
- Left chest pain
- Increased left ventricular volume
- Left ventricular hypertrophy
- Left ventricular outflow tract malformation
- Left lower quadrant tenderness
- Left lower quadrant pain
- Palpable tenderness in the left lower abdomen
- Left upper quadrant tenderness
- Upper left abdominal pain
- Tenderness in the left upper quadrant cystic mass
- Left abdominal flexion
- The left waist is empty when lying on the left, and the left waist is dull when lying on the right
- Acne on the left cheek
- Left and right lower back pain
- Acute alcoholism
- Drunk Man Gait
- Mouth Descending Muscle Dysplasia
- Interstitial fluid exudation
- Histiocytosis
- Tissue necrosis
- Histamine blush
- Obstructive jaundice
- Toe pain
- Pain in toes when flexing toes
- Toe flexion contracture
- Dark toe skin
- Toes are cold and cold, pale or purplish red
- Foot pain
- Foot pain
- Weak tibia
- Foot deformity
- Ankle sting
- Feet and toes cannot be dorsiflexed
- Heel pain
- Heel kyphosis
- Painful red bump above the heel
- Heel walk
- Plantar peeling
- Plantar bulge
- Plantar burning sensation
- Radiation pain of the foot
- Foot perforation
- Foot swelling and tenderness
- Foot tremor
- Impaired dorsal and posterior tibial artery pulsation
- Dorsal foot pulse
- Swelling of the back of the foot
- Short vertical groove
- Mediastinal emphysema
- Mediastinal widening
- Mediastinal shadow
- Mediastinal fibrosis
- Mediastinal lymph node hyperplasia
- Mediastinal lesions
- Zong Jin Insomnia
- Autonomic crisis
- Autonomic reflex
- Self-orientation disorder
- Self-harm behavior
- Suicide
- Narcissism
- Conscious sweat
- Cold from sweat
- Spontaneous intrabulicular hemorrhage
- Spontaneous abortion
- Spontaneous fracture
- Automatism
- Automatic Babinske Sign Positive
- Fuchsia palm
- Aster and blood hypoxia
- Purpura
- Purple spot
- Eclampsia symptoms
- Significant uterine enlargement (uterine enlargement exceeds gestational age)
- Limited mild tenderness in the uterus
- The uterus is as hard as a plate
- Uterine tenderness
- Uterine amenorrhea
- Small uterus
- Drooping uterus
- Uterine relaxation
- Poor uterine contraction
- Signs of uterine rupture
- Endometrial hyperplasia
- Endometrial obstruction
- Uterine spasm stenosis ring
- Cervical pain
- Cervical dilatation
- Cervical enlargement
- Uterine height below gestational weeks
- Uterine appendix mass
- Uterine perforation
- Uterine bleeding
- Gourd-shaped uterus
- Uterus is transversely oval
- Cloudy gas stagnation
- Zhuo-Ai syndrome
- Extrapyramidal damage
- Cone bundle lesion
- Trypanosomal "diarrhea"
- Vertebral tuberculosis
- Anterior vertebral soft tissue swelling or abscess
- Bone spurs formed at the posterior margin of the vertebra
- Vertebral division
- Moderate pain
- Moderate burn
- Moderate mental retardation
- Moderate or mild headache
- Moderate coma
- Severe poisoning
- Smart decay
- Mental retardation
- Hemorrhoid Prolapse
- Hemorrhoids
- Hemorrhoid bleeding
- Fatal upper respiratory tract hemorrhage
- Distal toes are spherical
- Toe web gap numbness
- Short toe
- Dry toe end
- Ptosis
- Dry finger necrosis
- Fingerprint folds
- Thickened knuckles
- Fingertips have dents on the edges
- Swollen nails in the middle
- Nails with red or black spots
- Nail dystrophy
- Abnormal nails
- Nails suddenly turn white
- Nails are very large and the fingers are thin
- Nails are tarnished and flattened and brittle white lines appear
- Slow nail growth
- Nail embedded in meat
- Nails are wide and short (width is greater than length)