Neurotic response

Patients have reduced mental activity, often have anxiety and anxiety, or suffer from various physical discomforts. Physical examination can not find organic brain lesions or physical diseases as the basis of their clinical symptoms; most of them have good self-awareness and no lasting Psychiatric symptoms; usually do not confuse their morbid experience with objective reality, that is, the patient's ability to test reality has not been impaired; the behavior is generally maintained within the range allowed by social norms, which can be understood and accepted by others; often requires urgent treatment . Onset is mostly related to quality, personality traits, or mental stress; the course is often delayed or episodic. The course of the disease was less than 3 months or there was a brief report by the author of a neurotic reaction.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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