Enlarged and hardened testicles

Hyperplasia of adrenal cortex in the testicles will make the testes enlarge and harden, and most patients have no semen after puberty. This symptom appears in rare cases of bilateral congenital adrenal hyperplasia. Adrenogenital syndrome is a congenital adrenal hyperplasia. It is a recessive genetic defect. Due to the inadequate synthesis of certain enzymes in the adrenal cortex, the adrenal glands produce hydrocortisone, and the pituitary Increased secretion of ACTH, resulting in adrenal cortex proliferation and excessive male hormones, masculinizing female genitalia and increasing the amount of 17-ketones in the urine of patients. Congenital defects in certain adrenal enzymes cause abnormal steroid production. Women cause pseudohermaphroditism, and male genitalia are huge.

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