Bone discouraged

Hand palm and phalanx tuberculosis are infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis immersion in the palm and finger pulp cavity. The medullary cavity is enlarged due to osteolytic osteolysis, the bone is thinned and swelled. The invasion of tuberculosis granulation tissue under the periosteum resulted in the formation of cladding and the separation of bone necrosis. In adults, the infection is mainly under the periosteum, which impedes early blood supply to the backbone, isolates the necrosis of the backbone, or causes pathological fractures, shortening the affected fingers. The disease is more common, and the patients are mostly children under 10 years of age, and they are multiple. Early application of antituberculosis drugs and fixation of the affected fingers (such as strong healing of backbone lesions, generally non-surgical treatment can be used) has a significant effect.

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