Arched fingers

Arched fingers: The fingers flexed in an arcuate shape toward the palm. Arched fingers are one of the early symptoms of Kashin-Beck disease. Kashin-Beck disease is an endemic deformable osteoarthropathy, which is also called dwarf disease, abacus disease, etc. in the country. This disease is called Kaschin-Beck disease by the international medical community. Kashin-Beck disease is mainly distributed in eastern Siberia and northern Korea abroad, and it is widely distributed in China. It has been reported in a large area from northeast to southwest, mainly in Hei, Ji, Liao, Shaanxi, and Jin provinces, mostly in mountainous areas. And mid-mountain, rare plains. The disease occurs in all age groups, but it is more common in children and adolescents, and rarely occurs in adults without obvious gender differences.

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