Swelling of the flank

Threat ---- body surface parts ---- non-functional as shown, not the internal organs, but the human body is a unified whole, the body surface parts are connected to the internal organs through the meridians. The swelling of the flank is the enlargement of the flank due to inflammation or congestion. Infections or abscesses are usually confined to a primary site, but may spread to the opposite side or from one space to another. A few cases can also spread to the distant plane along the fascia plane or through the membrane, such as deep subpelvic peritoneum; mesenteric root; femoral, hip, anterior abdominal wall, back and flank subcutaneous tissue; subcondylar, mediastinal, and thoracic cavity; even diffuse Sexual retroperitoneal infection. Medical | Education Network collected and caused cellulitis and necrosis.

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