Liver dullness is reduced or disappeared
Abdominal closed injury is clinically diagnosed with tenderness, rebound pain, muscle tension in the abdomen, mobile dullness, shrinkage or disappearance of liver dullness, and weakening or disappearance of bowel sounds. Closed abdominal injuries are common in production, traffic and life accidents. The prognosis of a patient is determined by the presence or absence of visceral injury, often accompanied by other parts of the injury, such as brain trauma, chest trauma, and fractures, which mask the history and signs, making the diagnosis difficult to determine; and because of some minor injuries, There may be abdominal organ damage. Therefore, the closed injury of the abdomen must be closely observed, repeatedly checked, and properly handled to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment.
The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.