Limited mild tenderness in the uterus

The uterus has localized mild tenderness and is hypertonic. Elevated uterine floor is a symptom of placental abruption. After 20 weeks of gestation or during childbirth, the placenta in the normal position is partly or completely stripped from the uterine wall before the fetus is delivered. Placental abruption is a serious complication in the third trimester of pregnancy. The short-term training course starts quickly and progresses quickly. If it is not handled in time, it can endanger the life of the mother and child. The incidence rate reported in China is 4.6 ‰ ~ 21 ‰, and the incidence rate abroad is 5.1 ‰ ~ 23.3 ‰. The incidence is related to whether the placenta is carefully checked after delivery. Some mild placental abruptions may be asymptomatic before delivery, and only when the placenta is examined postpartum, blood clots on the abscission spot are found. Such patients are easily ignored.

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