
Rhinosclerosis is a rare, chronic, progressive granulomatous disease that starts from the nose and gradually spreads to the pharynx, throat, and trachea, so it is called respiratory sclerosis. A few can be primary in the lower respiratory tract. Caused by tuberculosis of the nose. The course of rhinosclerosis is divided into three stages. The first stage (catarrhal stage), the second stage (granulomatous stage), the third stage (scarring stage), the diagnosis is mainly combined with pathological examination, bacterial culture and serum complement binding test, and the clinically observed three stage lesions are often simultaneously Existence and regional characteristics. Suspicious cases require repeated medical examinations. The treatment of streptomycin has a significant bacteriostatic effect on Rhizoctonia solani, and kanamycin and tetracycline also have certain effects. Other treatments such as radiation therapy have some effect on early lesions.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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