
Pregnancy, (Pinyin: rèn shēn, English: pregnancy) physiological nouns. A summary of "Golden Chronicles. Women's Pregnancy and Treatment of Pregnancy". Also known as Liujia, Youzi, Youzi, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Twins, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Weight, Body. Refers to the process of a woman's pregnancy, that is, from conception to delivery of the fetus, which usually takes about 266 days. Pregnancy is the process by which the mother bears the growth and development of the fetus in her body. Women during pregnancy are called pregnant women, women who are pregnant for the first time are called pregnant women, women who have given birth once are called primiparas, and women who have been pregnant two or more times are called menopause. Fertilization of the egg is the beginning of pregnancy, and the discharge of the fetus and its appendages, ie, the placenta and the fetal membrane, from the mother is the end of pregnancy. The whole pregnancy process is 280 days, and 28 days is a pregnancy month, so the whole process is 10 pregnancy months or 40 weeks. Because the date of egg fertilization is not easy to determine accurately, it is known as the expected delivery period (EDC). The method of calculating the expected date of birth is: from the first day of the last menstrual period, add 9 to the month and 7 to the number of days; or subtract 3 from the month and add 7 to the number of days. The lunar calendar is the month plus three minus three and the number of days plus fourteen. When the menstrual cycle is extended or shortened, the expected birth period should be increased or decreased accordingly. The actual date of delivery and the estimated birth period can vary by 1 to 2 weeks. During pregnancy, the fetus and its accessory tissues develop in the pregnant woman, and the mother's body also undergoes many changes. These are physiological changes, but changes beyond a certain limit become pathological phenomena. Clinically, pregnancy is divided into 3 cycles: early pregnancy is called early pregnancy before the 12th week of pregnancy; midterm pregnancy is called at the 13th to 27th week; late pregnancy is called at the 28th week and after.

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