Alzheimer's disease

Alzheimer's disease (AD), also translated as Alzheimer's disease, commonly known as Alzheimer's disease, is a kind of primary degenerative encephalopathy that occurs in old age and pre-senescence, referring to a kind of Persistent advanced neurological dysfunction, that is, obstacles in memory, thinking, analysis and judgment, visual space recognition, and emotions in the absence of consciousness. Its characteristic pathological changes are atrophy of the cerebral cortex, accompanied by β-amyloid deposition, neurofibrillary tangles, a reduction in the number of large memory neurons, and the formation of senile plaques. There are currently no effective drugs to treat or reverse the disease progression. Alzheimer's disease causes acquired, persistent mental retardation. In the case of unconsciousness, there are memory and cognitive dysfunctions, accompanied by speech, visual spatial skills, emotional or personality changes, and affecting their social activities. As there are no effective treatments and methods, senile dementia worsens day by day, and eventually it is life-threatening due to physical complications. Onset is hidden, early symptoms are near memory loss, personality changes, decreased intelligence, poor spatial orientation, often lost, unreturned, or reduced initiative, emotional instability, but daily life can be maintained. Further development is cognitive decline, aphasia, loss of identity, and sometimes conscious disturbance. Signs of localization of the nervous system may appear, and daily living can no longer take care of themselves, often with shameful behaviors and ethical behaviors. There are symptoms of hallucinations, hallucinations, delusions, mania or depression. In the later stage, there is comprehensive mental retardation, bedridden, and involuntary movement. Silence or fragmented speech, life can not take care of themselves at all, and eventually death due to complications. The most common complications are lung infections, skin infections, urinary system infections, or chronic failure, cachexia, and multiple organ failures that are life threatening. There are currently no specific drugs. Mainly support symptomatic, life care, and prevent complications.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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