
Childbirth refers to the emergence from the mother as a new individual; specifically the period and process during which the fetus is separated from the mother as an individual that exists alone. The whole process of childbirth is divided into 3 stages, also known as 3 labor stages. The first stage of labor, the period of Miyaguchi expansion. The second stage of labor, the period of fetal delivery. The third stage of labor, the placenta delivery, refers to the process from the fetus to the placenta. Recently, studies abroad have shown that maternal delivery methods are related to the zinc content in the diet during the second trimester of pregnancy. The more zinc is consumed daily, the greater the chance of natural delivery. On the contrary, you can only use forceps or cesarean section. Childbirth produced "Women's Congress Complete Recipes" Volume 17 "Treatment of dystocia for five or six days without labor, tiredness and fatigue ..." Also known as birth, decomposition, body-saving, breast-free, child-bearing. Refers to the process of giving birth to a fetus over 28 weeks of gestation.

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