Massive hemoptysis

Bleeding below the glottis or the lung tissue is called "Hemoptysis". It can be manifested as blood in the sputum or a large amount of hemoptysis. Therefore, clinically, according to the amount of hemoptysis in patients, it is divided into: small amount of hemoptysis, moderate amount of hemoptysis and large hemoptysis. Generally, hemoptysis refers to: hemoptysis exceeding 100ml at a time, or hemoptysis exceeding 600ml in 24 hours. It should be emphasized that the judgment of the severity of hemoptysis patients should not be overly restricted to the amount of hemoptysis, but should be combined with the general conditions of the patient, including nutritional status, complexion, pulse, breathing, blood pressure, and whether there is cyanosis. Judge. For those with prolonged illness or old cough, even a small amount of hemoptysis can cause suffocation and death of patients, so these patients should also be treated according to the principle of treatment of massive hemoptysis.

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