Lose teeth

Pediatric tooth replacement, most children start tooth replacement at the age of five or six, starting as early as four years old, and individual children will be 7 years old before losing their first baby teeth, which is caused by the individual differences of children. Tooth loss usually starts with the lower two front teeth and then the upper two front teeth. It is a natural phenomenon for the elderly to loose their teeth. Foreign data show that 60-year-old people can lose 20% of their teeth; 70-year-old people can lose 50% of their teeth. According to a domestic survey, 36% of elderly people between 55 and 64 years old lost their molars; that is, 56% of elderly people between 65 and 75 years old lost their molars. Tooth loss and loosening in most elderly people are caused by diseases such as periodontal disease, root caries, and osteoporosis. As long as these diseases are prevented and treated, the period of loss will be delayed.

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