Heel pain

Heel pain, name. Heel pain on one or both sides, no redness and swelling, and inconvenience in walking. Also known as heel pain. Caused by kidney deficiency, phlegm dampness, and blood heat. Those with kidney yin deficiency, when the tibia is hot and heel pain, use Liuwei Wan with turtle plate and cinnamon; those with kidney yang deficiency, who cannot stand for a long time and heel pain, use Bawei pills; those with dampness, heavy and swollen, use Pale bone Dan, Shi Guogong medicinal liquor; fat people wet sputum injection, papaya, sputum, and self-protection with phlegm-guiding decoction; virtual people use Buzhong Yiqi decoction, Shiquan Dabu decoction; Cork, Achyranthes bidentata (see Introduction to Medicine. Athlete's foot). See Heel Pain.

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