
Dream, dream, dream. "Lingshu. Evil and dreaming": "Yangqi Sheng is the dream and the fire is stunned." Again: "It makes people rest uneasy and dreams." "Su Wen. The pulse must be subtle theory": Dreaming is fearful in the flood. "Dreaming is a subjective experience. It is the involuntary image, sound, thought or feeling that people produce when they sleep. Dreaming is related to rapid eye movement sleep (REM sleep), a light sleep state that occurs during late sleep, and is characterized by rapid eye movements, pons stimulation, accelerated breathing and heart rate, and temporary Limb paralysis. Dreams can also occur during other sleep periods, but they are relatively rare. The state of falling asleep (Hypnogigia) when entering deep sleep is considered to be related to dreaming. The vast majority of scientists believe that all humans will dream and will have the same frequency in every sleep. Therefore, if a person feels that they have not dreamed or only dreamed one night, it is because their memory of those dreams has disappeared. This kind of "memory erasure" usually occurs when a person naturally and gently transitions from the rapid eye movement sleep stage to the slow wave sleep stage to enter the awake state. If a person is awakened directly from REM sleep (for example, by an alarm clock), they are more likely to remember the dreams made during that REM sleep (but not all dreams that occurred during REM sleep) Will be remembered, because slow-wave sleep periods will be inserted between each rapid eye movement period, which will cause the memory of the previous dream to disappear). Some people think that the above interpretation of dreams is unscientific. Dreams are just a kind of psychological activity when people sleep. The psychological activities in dreams are the same as the psychological activities of people when they are awake. The bizarre dreams in dreams are caused by the illusion of stimulation of various objective things when people's sleep brain is unconscious. For example, the palpitations that seem to be chased when a person is awake and tachycardia are turned into a bizarre nightmare. Feelings of palpitations, in dreams, turned into a nightmare of strange and fearful people floating and falling. In the dream, it is often felt that the slight physiological symptoms that some people do not easily feel when they are awake are caused by the relatively small stimulation of various objective things from the outside world during sleep, and the relatively strong stimulation of various objective things from the body. of.

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