How old is your brain?

Preliminary self-test

Do you know how old your brain is? The older we get, the faster brain cells will undergo apoptosis. Dr. Stuart Ritchie of the University of Edinburgh pointed out that brain cell apoptosis can reduce the size of the brain or lead to the loss of cognitive abilities. Let's take the brain age test together.

Q1. I sleep 7-8 hours (or more) every night.

Please choose an answer
1 / 25

Q2. I eat at least 5 servings or more of fruits and vegetables containing antioxidants every day.

Please choose an answer
2 / 25

Q3. I use olive oil instead of butter and margarine and do not eat trans fats.

Please choose an answer
3 / 25

Q4. I eat fish containing omega-3 fatty acids at least 3 times a week.

Please choose an answer
4 / 25

Q5. I do not have sleep disorders such as snoring, obstructive sleep apnea, or insomnia.

Please choose an answer
5 / 25

Q6. There are no problems with short-term or long-term memory.

Please choose an answer
6 / 25

Q7. I never smoke.

Please choose an answer
7 / 25

Q8. I drink red wine or grape juice at least 5 times a week.

Please choose an answer
8 / 25

Q9. I exercise for at least 30 minutes on most days (a total of 3 hours or more of exercise per week).

Please choose an answer
9 / 25

Q10. I don't have diabetes.

Please choose an answer
10 / 25

Q11. There is a "longevity gene" in the family: there are family members who have lived to be over 80 years old without losing their memory.

Please choose an answer
11 / 25

Q12. My total cholesterol level is below 5.2 mmol/l.

Please choose an answer
12 / 25

Q13. Bad cholesterol (LDL) level is less than 3.3 mmol/l.

Please choose an answer
13 / 25

Q14. I am not obese.

Please choose an answer
14 / 25

Q15. I eat a Mediterranean diet - lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, with olive oil as a source of fat, and a small amount of red meat.

Please choose an answer
15 / 25

Q16. I eat at least 1 serving of blueberries, raspberries, or blackberries every day.

Please choose an answer
16 / 25

Q17. I take low dose aspirin once a day

Please choose an answer
17 / 25

Q18. My blood pressure is normal.

Please choose an answer
18 / 25

Q19. I read challenging books, play crossword puzzles or Sudoku, or engage in active learning, memory, calculation, analysis, and problem-solving activities at least 5 times a week.

Please choose an answer
19 / 25

Q20. I do not have metabolic syndrome (i.e. insulin resistance syndrome): hyperlipidemia, central obesity, and hypertension.

Please choose an answer
20 / 25

Q21. I take omega-3 fatty acid fish oil or flaxseed supplements at least 5 times a week.

Please choose an answer
21 / 25

Q22. There is a lot of pressure every day, but it is not a problem for me.

Please choose an answer
22 / 25

Q23. I have a lot of support behind me and enjoy doing different activities with friends, colleagues and family.

Please choose an answer
23 / 25

Q24. I take folic acid supplements and a multivitamin.

Please choose an answer
24 / 25

Q25. I am prepared to prevent Alzheimer's disease no matter the cost.

Please choose an answer
25 / 25

Your results:

0-11 points: You are at high risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. True brain age is (actual age + 10). Please consult your doctor to resolve health issues promptly.


Your results:

12-14 points: Your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is moderate. True brain age is (actual age + 5). Although your true brain age is not much different than your chronological age, there is still a need to learn more about Alzheimer's disease and to prevent it early.

Your results:

15-19 points: Yes, true brain age is the same as chronological age. That said, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is very small, so keep it that way. As long as you slightly improve your living habits in terms of diet, exercise, mental energy, rest, etc., you can live healthier.

Your results:

20-22 points: Very good! True brain age is (actual age - 10). Your living habits can maintain your physical and mental health. Look back at the questions you just answered "no" and make improvements on these items.

Your results:

23-25 ​​points: Congratulations, even if you get older, your brain is still young! The true brain age is (actual age-15). Unless something changes in your life, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is extremely low.

Note: The results of this questionnaire can only be used for preliminary cognitive assessment and cannot be used as a formal clinical diagnosis. If you have any questions about the results, please contact the relevant specialist for consultation and detailed diagnosis.
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