Vitamin B6 dependence syndrome

Vitamin B6 includes six pyridoxine, pyridoxamine, pyridoxal, and their respective 5-phosphates, which are interchangeable. Pyridoxal 5-phosphate is an important part of this group. As a coenzyme of the enzyme system in decarboxylation and transamination, it participates in the metabolism of amino acids, proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and glycogen. If lacking can cause convulsions and peripheral nerve disorders. Therefore, vitamin B6 deficiency can cause biochemical and physiological abnormalities. Vitamin B6 dependency syndrome (vitamin B6 dependency syndrome) is a structural and functional defect of canine urinary enzyme, an innate metabolic enzyme, and its activity is only 1% of normal. At this time, the amount of vitamin B6 required is 5 to 10 times that required for normal children. Sometimes the pregnant mother takes too much vitamin B6 during the pregnancy response period, so that the baby still depends on a larger amount of vitamin B6 after birth.

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