Esophageal diverticulum

The esophageal diverticulum (diverticulum of oesophagus) refers to a sac-like process that communicates with the esophagus. Its classification is more complicated. According to the site of the disease, it can be divided into pharyngeal esophageal diverticulum, middle esophageal diverticulum, and supracondylar esophageal diverticulum. According to the different pathogenesis, it is divided into traction, internal pressure and traction internal pressure diverticulum. According to the composition of the diverticulum wall, it can be divided into true diverticulum (including the whole layer of the esophageal wall) and pseudo diverticulum (lacking the muscular layer of the esophageal wall). In addition, it can be divided into congenital diverticulum and acquired diverticulum.

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