Serum osteocalcin

Serum osteocalcin is an active polypeptide secreted by osteoblasts, which is relatively stable and is not affected by bone resorption factors. The serum osteocalcin can be used to understand the activity of osteoblasts, especially newly formed osteoblasts. The osteocalcin value varies with age and the rate of bone turnover. The faster the bone turnover rate, the higher the osteocalcin value, and vice versa. It plays an important role in regulating bone metabolism, and its level reflects osteoblast activity. Determination of serum osteocalcin is a reference indicator for the diagnosis of osteoporosis syndrome, rickets, metabolic bone disease, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, and it can also be used as one of the important indicators of bone metabolism in the elderly.

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