Urine pregnancy latex agglutination inhibition test
In addition to the functions of nutrition, respiration and excretion of the fetus, the placenta during pregnancy also has the function of synthesizing and secreting various endocrine hormones. Among them, chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) can be used as an important indicator for the diagnosis of early pregnancy and trophoblastic tumors. HCG mainly exists in the blood, urine, colostrum and fetal body of pregnant women. The placenta begins to secrete HCG from 0 to 14 days after conception, and reaches a peak at 10 weeks, and then gradually decreases. HCG has a strong antigenicity and can be used to immunize rabbits to produce high-valent antibodies for the detection of pregnancy immunology. Commonly used methods are latex agglutination inhibition test and early pregnancy test and pregnancy dilution test. Basic Information Specialist classification: maternity check check classification: urine / kidney function test Applicable gender: whether women are fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: normal. Positive: (1) The urine HCG test can be positive at 10 days of pregnancy, which can be used for early pregnancy diagnosis. (2) Diagnosis and treatment for ectopic pregnancy and incomplete abortion. (3) For trophoblastic cell tumor diagnosis and treatment, such as malignant mole, chorionic epithelial cancer, male testicular teratoma and other tumors, the urine HCG content is extremely significantly increased, can be used for diluted pregnancy test; thorough cure index application of concentrated pregnancy test . (4) HCG content is mostly increased during gestational toxemia. Tips: Do not exercise vigorously, maintain a good diet and work. The middle part of the urine is taken for inspection. Women in the menstrual period, cold patients are not suitable for this examination. Normal value negative. Clinical significance Abnormal result 1. The urine HCG test can be positive at 10 days of pregnancy, which can be used for early pregnancy diagnosis. 2, for the diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy and incomplete abortion. 3, for trophoblastic cell tumor diagnosis and treatment, such as malignant mole, chorionic epithelial cancer, male testicular teratoma and other tumors, the urine HCG content is extremely significantly increased, can be diluted pregnancy test; thorough cure index application of concentrated pregnancy test. 4. HCG content is mostly increased during gestational toxemia. People who need to be tested Pregnant women. Positive results may be diseases: ectopic pregnancy, hydatidiform moles Before the test: Do not exercise vigorously, maintain a good diet and rest. At the time of examination: a part of the urine is discharged first to wash away the bacteria remaining in the urethra and the anterior urethra, and then the middle part of the urine is taken for inspection. Not suitable for the crowd: women in the menstrual period, cold patients. Inspection process The urine of the subject was collected and examined by immunological methods. Not suitable for the crowd Women in the menstrual period, cold patients. Adverse reactions and risks no.
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