Concentration method for parasite examination
The concentration method for parasite inspection is an auxiliary inspection method for detecting parasites. The flotation method is to use a liquid with a large specific gravity to float the protozoan cyst or the worm egg and concentrate on the surface of the liquid for observation. This phase check can be used to determine the corresponding symptoms. Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before testing to avoid affecting the results. Basic Information Specialist classification: Digestive examination classification: feces / parasitic examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: A negative test result indicates no parasitic infection. Positive: A positive test result indicates a parasitic infection. Tips: Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before inspection, so as not to affect the results. Normal value No parasite eggs or other pathogens were found to be negative during the examination. Clinical significance Abnormal results detected parasite eggs or other pathogens. People who need to be examined have abnormal gastrointestinal tracts. Positive results may be diseases: appendicitis parasitic diseases, tsutsugamushi precautions Contraindications before the test: Do not take anti-parasitic drugs before the test, so as not to affect the results. Inspection requirements: Fecal examination is a common pathogen detection method for the diagnosis of parasitic diseases. To get accurate results, the stool must be fresh and the inspection time should not exceed 24 hours. If you check the protozoa trophozoites in the intestines, it is best to check them immediately, or temporarily store them at 35 °C ~ 37 °C. Containers containing feces must be clean, dry, and prevent contamination; feces should not be mixed with urine and other body fluids, so as not to affect the results of the inspection. Inspection process (1) Saturated brine flotation method (brineflotation): This method is best for checking hookworm eggs, and can also be used to inspect other nematode eggs and small membrane shellworm eggs. However, it is not suitable for checking trematode eggs and protozoan cysts. Use bamboo sticks to take the size of the soy bean in the floating bottle (3.5 cm high, round straight bottle about 2 cm in diameter), add a small amount of saturated brine and mix thoroughly, then slowly add saturated brine to the liquid surface slightly above the bottle mouth. , so as not to overflow. At this time, cover a glass slide at the mouth of the bottle, and after standing for 15 minutes, lift the slide and quickly flip it for microscopic examination. (2) Zincsulfatecentrifugalflotation method: This method is applicable to the inspection of protozoan cysts, coccidia oocysts, nematode eggs and microcystis eggs. Take about 1g of feces, add 10-15 times of water, fully crush, filter by centrifugal sedimentation method, repeat centrifugation 3-4 times, until the water is clear, finally pour off the supernatant, add zinc sulfate with a specific gravity of 1.18 in the sediment. Liquid (33% solution), mix thoroughly, then add zinc sulphate solution to about 1 cm from the tube and centrifuge for 1 minute. Use the metal ring to hook the surface of the fecal liquid on the glass slide, add a drop of iodine solution (check the capsule), microscopic examination. When hooking the specimen, gently touch the liquid surface with a metal ring, do not stir. Immediately after centrifugation, the specimen should be taken for microscopic examination. If the placement time exceeds 1 small, the observation effect will be affected by the deformation of the capsule or the egg. (3) Sucrose centrifugal floatation method: This method is suitable for checking the oocysts of Cryptosporidium in feces. Take about 5g of feces, add 15-20ml of water, and filter with 260 mesh nylon bag or 4 layers of gauze. Centrifuge the filtrate for 5-10 minutes, discard the supernatant, add sucrose solution (sucrose 500g, distilled water 320ml, carbolic acid 6.5ml) and centrifuge again, then take the surface membrane microscopy (supplied or oil mirror) like saturated brine flotation method. ). The oocysts are transparent and colorless, with a smooth wall and a small dark spot and egg yellow sporozoites. The oocysts of Cryptosporidium have a large buoyancy in the floating liquid, and are often tightly attached to the cover sheet. Since the dehydration deformation of the oocyst is not easily recognized after 1 hour, it should be immediately examined by microscopy. The sucrose liquor can also be replaced by a saturated zinc sulphate solution or saturated brine. Not suitable for the crowd The test is non-invasive and generally has no contraindications. Adverse reactions and risks The test is non-invasive and free of complications or other hazards.
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