fat in feces
At least 95% of the fat consumed by normal adults is absorbed. The assays are chemical, gravimetric and titer methods. The fat absorption rate was calculated by using fat quantitatively to understand the function of pancreas, liver and intestinal function. The patient was given a standard diet with a fat content of 100g three days before the determination. For 3 consecutive days, the total fat was measured 24 hours daily to calculate the fat absorption rate. (%) = (total dietary fat - total fecal fat) / total dietary fat x 100%. Basic Information Specialist classification: Digestive examination classification: feces / parasitic examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Check the light diet for the first three days. Normal value The total amount of fat was 0.175 (17.5%), combined with 0.046 (4.6%) of fatty acid, 0.056 (5.6%) of free fatty acid, and 0.073 (7.3%) of neutral fatty acid. Clinical significance Abnormal results: 1. Neutral fat is a bright round globule of different sizes under the microscope. Increased fat excretion in the stool of patients with diarrhea, more than 6 fat drops/HP under the microscope. When fat digestion is poorly absorbed, fat droplets in the feces are greatly increased. 2, in obstructive jaundice, due to lack of bile in the intestine, there is a fat absorption disorder, a large amount of fatty acids appear in the feces. When pancreatic juice secretion is incomplete, resulting in digestive dysfunction, a large amount of neutral fat (fatty diarrhea) can appear in the feces. Precautions Fresh fecal specimens should be sent in time. In order to avoid decomposition of feces due to long time. Inspection process 1. Common methods for checking stool fat are microscopic examination, weighing method and titration method. Microscopy is simple and easy, but the accuracy is low. It can only be used as a screening test and cannot be used as a basis for diagnosis. The weighing method and titration method are quantitative methods, but represent total fatty acids, and do not contain glycerin in neutral fat. section. 2, the use of fat quantification can also calculate the fat absorption rate, used to estimate the digestion and absorption function. 3, fat absorption rate = 100% / total dietary fat 3) Reference value: adult or child: 95% 4) clinical significance: fat determination mainly understand the body's digestion or absorption function, indirectly provide a basis for the diagnosis of digestive tract diseases. If the total amount of fat in the feces of 24h exceeds 6g, it is called steatorrhea. Not suitable for the crowd No taboos. Adverse reactions and risks This test itself does not cause complications and harm.
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