Larynx tuberculosis

Laryngeal tuberculosis is the most common otolaryngology tuberculosis, and the disease is mostly spread by open tuberculosis through the airway, and the primary is rare. It is divided into three types: infiltrating, ulcerous and mass. It occurs in the back of the larynx, as well as in the vocal cords, ventricles, and epiglottis. It is caused by tuberculosis infection. They should be treated and isolated in time. Laryngeal tuberculosis is mostly spread by open tuberculosis through the airway, and there is very little tuberculosis that originates in the throat. The lesions can be divided into 3 types: (1) Infiltration type: thickening of the mucosal epithelium, typical tuberculous nodules can be seen in the intrinsic membrane, and fibrous tissue hyperplasia and lymphocyte infiltration have varying degrees. (2) Ulcer type: It is characterized by the formation of tuberculous ulcers. The surface of the ulcer is dry-like necrosis, and the tuberculous granulation tissue and fibrous scar tissue are below. Tumor-like hyperplasia. (3) Mass type: The fibrous connective tissue in the tuberculosis lesions obviously proliferated to form a mass. Tuberculous nodules are often surrounded by a large amount of fibrous tissue, and dry-like necrosis is often not obvious. Laryngeal tuberculosis easily spreads to adjacent tissues and spreads through the lymphatic tract, causing cervical lymph node tuberculosis.

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