Mental disorders associated with sporadic encephalitis

At present, it is believed that many intracranial infections are caused by viruses. In addition to various acute encephalitis of known virus types, there are also lentiviral infections or lentiviral diseases. The main lesions are demyelination and / or degenerative chronic Disease process. Pathological changes mainly include the direct damage of the virus and the pathological response of the tissue, the latter is the result of the body's immune response to the viral antigen. Due to different virus types (such as strain types), it causes various pathological reactions. The nature and extent of the lesion are directly related to the pathogen and the body's response. Sporadic (viral) encephalitis is not a separate disease. Starting from clinical practice, most of the current clinical classifications are divided into two categories according to the onset of disease (emergency) and the important characteristics of pathological changes: ① Acute viral encephalitis: including epidemic encephalitis and herpes simplex Viral encephalitis, etc .; ② Lentiviral encephalitis: Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, etc. are known.

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