Haemophilus influenzae meningitis

Pfeiter was isolated from the nasopharyngeal secretion of an influenza patient in 1892. The majority of influenza bacillus meningitis is caused by influenza b. Influenza bacilli generally exist in the upper respiratory tract of humans. According to the different components of the capsular polysaccharide antigen, a type-specific immune serum is used for the capsular swelling test. And f. B-type bacteria are the most pathogenic to humans (infants and young children). Influenza bacterium only invades humans, and the age of onset is mainly from 3 months to 3 years old. Because infants within 2 months have bactericidal antibodies from the mother, they rarely get sick. After that, as the age increases, the mother's Specific bactericidal antibodies have declined, and sufficient antibodies have not been produced by themselves, so they are susceptible to the disease. Children and adults over 5 years of age rarely develop the disease. Such as after the age of 5 should pay attention to check for anatomy and immune deficiency. The disease can occur throughout the year, but it is most common in autumn and winter. There are also frequent reports of two children in the same family.

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