Pediatric febrile convulsions

Febrile convulsion (FC) is the most common convulsive disease in infants and young children. It is defined as a febrile seizure with fever in infants and young children, and excludes patients with central nervous system infection and a history of fever. Epilepsy is not currently diagnosed in children with FC alone. Fever convulsion is not a simple addition of "fever" and "convulsions", as defined by Nelson and Ellenberg in 1981. Fever convulsion refers to: onset in infancy, often between 3 months and 5 years, accompanied by Fever but not caused by intracranial infection. There is no other clear cause for the convulsions. If there was a febrile seizure before the attack, the seizure is not considered a febrile seizure. The definition proposed in the book "Pediatric Nervous System Diseases" (Editor Zuo Qihua): the first episode is from 1 month to 5 to 6 years old, when the temperature of the upper respiratory tract infection or other infectious diseases is above 38 ° C, A febrile seizure can be diagnosed only after a sudden occurrence of convulsions and the exclusion of intracranial infections and other organic or metabolic abnormalities that cause convulsions.

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