Bone tumor

Bone tumors are tumors that occur in the bone or its accessory tissues (blood vessels, nerves, bone marrow, etc.) and are common diseases. Like other tissues in the body, its exact etiology is unknown; bone tumors are benign and malignant, and benign bone tumors are easy to cure, with a good prognosis, malignant bone tumors develop rapidly, the prognosis is poor, and the mortality rate is high. There are no satisfactory treatments so far. . Malignant bone tumors may be primary or secondary. Malignant tumors from other tissues or organs in the body metastasize to the bone or directly invade the bone through the blood circulation. There is also a class of lesions called tumor-like lesions. The tissues of tumor-like lesions do not have the characteristics of tumor cell morphology, but their ecology and behavior are destructive to tumors, which are generally limited and easy to cure.

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