Traumatic shock
Traumatic shock is caused by severe violent blows to the body, significant organ damage, major bleeding, etc., which significantly reduces effective circulating blood volume and insufficient microcirculation perfusion; and post-traumatic severe pain, fear and other factors combined Formation of the body's decompensated syndrome. Therefore, the etiology and pathology of traumatic shock are more complicated than simple hemorrhagic shock. Traumatic shock is common in both peacetime and wartime. The incidence is related to the nature of the wounded, the location of the wound, the energy of the wound, the duration of action, the degree of blood loss, the patient's usual physiological condition and early treatment after the injury. With the development of expressways and the increase of violent crimes, the incidence of severe trauma and multiple injuries is increasing, and the incidence of traumatic shock is also increasing. The incidence of shock in multiple injuries can be as high as 50%.
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