Brachial plexus involvement
It consists of 5 nerve roots of the anterior branch of the cervical nerve and the anterior branch of the first thoracic nerve. Divided into 5 parts: root, stem, strand, bundle and branch. There are axillary, musculocutaneous, radial, median, and ulnar branches. The brachial plexus consists of 5 stems and 3 stems. The C5--C6 nerve roots are combined at the outer edge of the anterior oblique muscle to form the upper stem; C7 forms the middle stem; C8-T1 forms the lower stem. (Located on the surface of the first rib, each trunk is about 1cm long). Each trunk is divided into two strands (located on the surface of the clavicle, about 1cm in length per share); each bundle consists of 3 bundles, the length of which is about 3cm. Each bundle is divided into nerve branches at the level of the coracoid process, forming terminal nerves. The brachial plexus is approximately 15 cm in length and has approximately 150,000 axons. Brachial plexus is located near the shoulder joint with a large range of motion and adjacent to the artery, which is likely to cause brachial plexus damage.
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