In a certain volume of circulating blood, the red blood cell count, the amount of hemoglobin, and the hematocrit are lower than normal standards are called anemia. Among them, hemoglobin is the most important. Adult men are less than 120g / L (12.0g / dl), and adult women are less than 110g / L (11.0 / dl). Generally, they can be considered anemia. Anemia is one of the most common clinical manifestations. However, it is not an independent disease. It may be a basic or sometimes important clinical manifestation of more complex diseases. Once anemia is found, the cause must be identified. Anemia caused by different reasons includes iron deficiency anemia, hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia, aplastic anemia, thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, abnormality of congenital red blood cell production, iron granulocyte anemia, bone marrow Hypoxemia. Acute and chronic anemia: anemia caused by acute blood loss, chronic anemia (such as rheumatic anemia, anemia caused by infectious diseases, anemia caused by hypothyroidism, anemia caused by liver disease, anemia caused by chronic renal anemia, anemia caused by malignant tumors, etc. ).
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