Syphilis Diagnosis Test

Each stage of syphilis has special clinical symptoms and characteristics. If you see sputum with lymphadenopathy, the whole body is widely symmetrical, especially in the palm of your hand, there are rashes or papules in the palms and no itching symptoms, or there are moist hyperplasia in the genital area. When a papule block (flat condyloma) is accompanied by systemic lymphadenopathy, the possibility of early syphilis should be considered. If the patient has a history of unclean sexual intercourse, syphilis is more likely. At this time, laboratory tests should be carried out. The laboratory tests include syphilis spirochete examination and syphilis serum reaction test. The commonly used spiral examination method in the clinic is the dark field reflection method. The spiral of the Treponema pallidum is tightly regular, the refractive is strong, the movement is lively, and it is easy to identify. It was found that Treponema pallidum is helpful for the diagnosis of primary syphilis, especially if sputum has appeared and the serum syphilis response has not been converted to positive. Basic Information Specialist classification: Infectious disease examination and classification: immunological examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: normal. Positive: Infected with syphilis. Tips: Before the check-up taboo: taboo overeating and strenuous exercise, should be calm, fasting blood test. Normal value Serum was negative. Clinical significance Abnormal results: strong specificity, positive can be diagnosed as syphilis, is an important, simple, fast and reliable method for the diagnosis of early syphilis. If a spirochete is found in the dark field and has the morphology and motor characteristics of the P. pallidum, a diagnosis of syphilis can be made. IgM antibody yang can be more reliable explanation: 1 congenital syphilis; 2 early stage syphilis; 3 late syphilis; 4 is syphilis early infection patients, non-specific serological test positive negative test before negative; 5 history of syphilis or Reinfection of other spirochetes. People who need to be examined: patients with syphilis infection or pregnant women can be examined. Positive results may be diseases: congenital syphilis, neurosyphilis, pregnancy with syphilis, bone and joint syphilis, sexually transmitted diseases neurosis, stromal keratitis considerations Taboo before the examination: taboo overeating and strenuous exercise, should be calm, fasting blood test. Requirements for inspection: Note that serum samples are not contaminated and sent to the test in time. Follow the doctor's request. Inspection process 1) Treponema pallidum in tissue and body fluids The smear was taken from the rash and ulceration of the early skin mucosa, and the syphilis spirochete was observed by dark field microscopy. 2) Syphilis serum test generally requires serum test for patients with suspected syphilis. It can be tested first for non-helical antigen and then for treponema pallidum antigen test if necessary. Commonly used non-treponema pallidum antigen assays are serum unheated reactive radio slide test (USR), sexually transmitted disease research laboratory slide test (VDRL), and rapid plasma reductive ring card test (RPR). The commonly used serum tests for Treponema pallidum antigens include the fluorescent spirochete antiserum test (FTA-ABS) and the Treponema pallidum hemagglutination test (TPHA). 3) Cerebrospinal fluid examination includes cerebrospinal fluid cell count, protein determination, syphilis serum test (commonly used VDRL test) and colloidal gold test, generally used in advanced patients and suspected of having neurosyphilis. In addition, biopsy biopsy can also be applied to skin mucosal lesions for pathological diagnosis. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate people: no special requirements. Adverse reactions and risks No related complications or hazards.

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