anticardiolipin antibody

Anti-cardiolipin antibodies are a group of autoantibodies against various negatively charged phospholipids. Antibodies including anti-cardiolipin, antiphosphatidylserine, antiphosphatidamide, antiphosphatidylglycerol, antiphosphatidic acid, etc., can be used as antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (including thrombosis, spontaneous abortion, thrombocytopenia, and central nervous system disorders) One of the diagnostic indicators. Basic Information Specialist classification: growth and development check classification: immunological examination Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Analysis results: Below normal: Normal value: no Above normal: negative: normal. Positive: The most prominent manifestation of anti-cardiolipin syndrome is thrombosis, which can occur in the arteries or in the veins. The most common of these are repeated deep vein thrombosis, including the kidney, retina and inferior vena cava, but the greater threat to the patient is arterial thrombosis. Tips: Regularly cooperate with routine inspections and do a good job of serum sampling. Normal value The results of ACL determination in normal human serum are generally negative. That is, 1 ACL binding rate <20% (solid phase RIA method); 2 test serum and negative control absorbance ratio (P / N) < 2.1 (ELISA method). Clinical significance Abnormal results: The most prominent manifestation of anti-cardiolipin syndrome is thrombosis, which can occur in the arteries or in the veins. The most common of these are repeated deep vein thrombosis, including the kidney, retina and inferior vena cava, but the greater threat to the patient is arterial thrombosis. Non-inflammatory obstructive vasculopathy was found to be segmental in histopathology of ACA-positive SLE patients, although the lesions were small but severe. Myocardial artery has fibrotic thrombosis and causes myocardial infarction. Capillaries and arterioles are blocked by fibrous substances. These pathological changes are likely to be the result of APL antibody action. People who need to be examined: autoimmune diseases and antiphospholipid antibody syndrome patients, a few normal people without obvious temperament diseases, especially the elderly. Positive results may be diseases: precautions for neonatal myocarditis Taboo before the test: Can not take various immune drugs. Requirements for inspection: routine inspection with active cooperation, and serum sampling test. Inspection process The pure cardiolipin was made into 12.5/g/mL with absolute ethanol, added to a dry clean polystyrene reaction plate, 50 L/well, and evaporated to dryness at room temperature under nitrogen. After washing the plate three times with PBS-T the next day, it was blocked with 0.3% gelatin, 150 gL/well, and placed at 37 T190 rmn, and the plate was washed three times. Not suitable for the crowd Inappropriate crowd: None. Adverse reactions and risks There are no related complications and hazards.

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