Maximum Mid-Expiratory Flow and Maximum Mid-Mid Flow Time (MMFR)

Pulmonary function test refers to the ability to use the fastest exhalation of the gas for measuring vital capacity. It is the most commonly used clinically and is the most sensitive and convenient ventilation index. The time used is called the maximum medium-term flow rate time, about 0.5 seconds for a normal person. MMFR has the same meaning as (FEV 1.0%) but is more sensitive and accurate. The superiority of "MET" is that it is not affected by gender, age, height and so on. Prolonged (over 0.5 seconds) indicates the severity of obstructive ventilatory disorders, such as emphysema. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: pulmonary function test Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Try to force the air out when exhaling, so as not to affect the inspection results. Normal value Male: 3.369L/S (L/s); Female: 2.887L/S (L/s). Clinical significance The time used is called the maximum medium-term flow rate time, about 0.5 seconds for a normal person. MMFR has the same meaning as (FEV 1.0%) but is more sensitive and accurate. The superiority of "MET" is that it is not affected by gender, age, height and so on. Prolonged (over 0.5 seconds) indicates the severity of obstructive ventilatory disorders, such as emphysema. High results may be diseases: unilateral emphysema, emphysema in the elderly, obstructive emphysema, emphysema precautions Try to force the air out when exhaling, so as not to affect the inspection results. Inspection process During the test, the subject took the standing position (the plethysmograph took the sitting position), pinched the nose, and placed the mouth containing the tube (or mouthpiece). The patient was calmed to breathe several times. After the adaptation, the subject took a deep inhalation to the lung volume. Then immediately exhale with maximum strength and speed to the residual position. In this process, the XY recorder automatically traces the MEFV curve related to the expiratory flow and the corresponding lung volume. The X axis represents the lung volume. The Y axis represents the maximum expiratory flow. Repeat once every 5 to 10 minutes, at least 3 times. The curve with the largest amount of vital capacity and the maximum initial force was used. Not suitable for the crowd Generally there are no special taboos. Adverse reactions and risks Generally no complications and harm.

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