Forced vital capacity (FVC)
Forced vital capacity (FVC) is also called time lung capacity. This indicator refers to the ability to exhale the gas that measures vital capacity most quickly. This indicator refers to the ability to exhale the gas that measures vital capacity most quickly. Among them, the amount of exhaled breath in the first second of exhalation is a forced expiratory volume (FEV1.0), which is widely used in clinical applications, often expressed as FEV1.0/FVC%. Basic Information Specialist classification: Respiratory examination classification: pulmonary function test Applicable gender: whether men and women apply fasting: not fasting Tips: Try to force the air out when exhaling, so as not to affect the inspection results. Normal value 1s0.83. 2s0.96. 3s0.99. Clinical significance In fact, the first second lung activity is usually expressed as a percentage of the total lung capacity, which is called the 1 second rate. Normal people greater than 80%, less than 80% indicate the presence of airway obstructive ventilatory disorders, such as asthma. Medically, less than 80% and 60% are used to judge the severity of bronchial asthma. Low results may be diseases: bronchial asthma, asthma, pediatric asthma considerations 1. Before the examination, the subjects should be explained in detail about the inspection methods and essentials, and adaptive training should be done. 2, forced vital capacity and maximum expiratory mid-flow, are affected by the degree of forced exhalation during the examination, the former has a greater impact. 3. The gender, age, height and muscle strength of the subject may affect the results of the above examination. 4, try to force the air out when exhaling, so as not to affect the inspection results. 5, contraindications: 1 serious heart and lung disease, physical weakness. 2 mental disorders or can not be well coordinated. Inspection process Inhale completely, then exhale hard, fast, and completely. Explosive force is required to exhale, and there is no hesitation at the beginning. The degree of exertion in the middle and late exhalation can be slightly reduced, but there is no interruption during the whole exhalation until the exhalation is complete, coughing or double inhalation is avoided; the exhalation time should be according to the instructor's It is required to extend as much as possible. Under normal circumstances, adult exhalation requirements are above 6s. Not suitable for the crowd Contraindications: 1 severe heart and lung disease, the body is weak. 2 mental disorders or can not be well coordinated. Adverse reactions and risks This test is a non-invasive test and generally does not cause complications or harm.
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